Shiki x reader: Anger~

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"If you keep looking at me like that we won't make it to a bed~" teased the purple haired angel. As if you weren't embarrassed enough. Especially with the "I told you so" aura radiating off of him at the moment. But, in all honesty, he had told you so. He had warned you not to touch Rem's shogi board, yet you foolishly succumbed to your desires anyway. Now here you were, cradled in his arms like a flightless dove. Longing for freedom, but never being able to obtain it.
You could do absolutely nothing to change your position, so you settled on childishly tormenting him. Or rather, attempting to childishly tormenting him. Your angry glares were meant to inspire fear in the heart of grown men. But, he apparently never got the memo. He only grew fonder and fonder of you with every glare or growl you threw at him. And you couldn't do anything about it. Your ankle had been sprained in the incident only moments ago.
"Stop~ I'm afraid if you keep going, I'll kiss you nonstop~!" He gushed. Despite his seemingly innocent tone, you could sense an unsettling truth to his words. With a "hmph" you angrily turned your head. This did not mean you were giving up, however. Oh no. You had one more trick up your sleeve. You took a deep breath and mustered up the most furious look of rage you could manage. You waited anxiously for him to flinch, or maybe even see a look of fear wash over his features.
None of that came though. Instead, the same look you had anticipated from him, made its way to you as you felt gentle lips on your own. True to his word, he simply couldn't stop. Only stopping for air for a second at a time. When he saw your breathing become uneven, he finally parted. "I warned you angel~." He sang, obviously enjoying the look of both pleasure and rage you were displaying. "Just like I warned you not to mess with Rem." He exclaimed, matter of factly. "Shut up and just get me to a bed." You grumbled, frustration evident in both your tone of voice and the look you gave him. "Oh what a wonderful idea, shining star! Then we may continue where I had left off!" He cheerfully chirped, going at a much faster pace now. "W-what no!" That was not what you meant though. You had absolutely no qualms.

Hope you like it!!

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