Lindo x Masochistic! Reader ((Lemon!))

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Mature content!!!)))    
     Everyone had a dark side, that much is quite obvious. But, what some people see as monstrous, others see as wonderfully appealing. Such was the case with Lindo's vampire abilities. They were the reason he despised himself, unable to see himself as anything other than a great danger to the people he cared for. You on the other hand, found his vampiric side quite magnificent. Not only that, but you saw them as something...arousing. Although it was rather embarrassing on your end. However, your interest in him was not to be mistaken for an unholy desire for his bite. You loved Lindo dearly, in fact you actually thought that if he saw your interest in dark abilities, perhaps he would see that he wasn't truly a danger! Little did you know, your theory would soon be put to the test.

     Although Lindo was only half vampire, he still required blood. Not as often, but he still need it. He loathed when the time came that he'd have to partake. Sometimes he stubbornly attempted to resist the urged which frankly was much more of a risk. Now was one of those times. His eyes glowing crimson, his fangs bared as he had you pinned underneath him on the floor. All signs of his resistance were gone. He was finally forced to succumb to the thirst. Dipping his head down, you felt what could only be his tongue run along the crook of your neck as you anxiously awaited the inevitable pain. Not even a moment later, you let out a loud gasp as your neck was pierced with two sharp fangs. You could feel him frantically gulping down your blood, drinking as if his life depended on it. In this case, it did.

     During his "feast", he had managed to regain some control, enough to pull away. He was about to do so until he heard a pleasured moan escape your mouth. He was shocked, so shocked that he immediately unlatched his fangs from your body and stared down at you. You looked up and met the gaze of his teal eyes. The sweet and kind eyes that you loved so much. But, he only looked perplexed. Why had you sounded like you were...enjoying it? You turned your head, obviously embarrassed that your "dark side" had been discovered. But you couldn't stop blushing, just thinking about the pleasure that had filled you previously was enough to keep your face as red as his hair. "Were you..." He began, though he already knew the answer to this. He couldn't imagine why though. What if he hurt you?! But, you were certainly lovely with that look on your face. Aroused.

     He found himself involuntarily dipping down to your neck. This time, however, it was not out of lust for your blood. But lust for your pleasure. Your sweets moans. The pants you were sure to make when he brought you to the edge of ecstasy. He couldn't control it, before he knew it he was doing the thing he had feared most. Biting you. But that regret soon vanished as he heard you let out a muffled moan, obviously trying to hide it. His hand soon found its way to the bottom of your shirt, smoothly freeing you of the garment. Other articles of both yours and his clothing seemed to fly off after that. Wandering hands, lingering touches, and intoxicatingly sweet bites. Soon, you were both brought to absolute paradise in perfect harmony.

     He rested rested beside you, panting as he placed kisses over your wounds. He would never have guessed that his abilities would be of use for more ways then one. "I love you Lindo." You smiled down at him lovingly. "That wasn't so bad right? You didn't hurt me, see?" You reassured, actually quite proud of him as you weren't 100% sure he would control himself. Reckless? Yes. Worth it? Hell yes. He buried his head in your hair as he nodded, breath tickling your delicate skin. "Yeah. I didn't." He was astounded by his self control, something he believed he couldn't do. Chuckling, he kissed you cheek softly. "I was right. You are a miracle. My miracle." Closing his eyes, exhausted from both your pleasurable activity and his fight to control his thirst. It was no wonder he fell asleep so quickly, even if it was on the floor. "Good night Lindo." You whispered before entering the dreamland, head filled with your beloved dhampir.

Hope you like it!!

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