Lindo x Shiki "Don't you dare throw that snowba- goddammit!"

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“Don’t you dare throw that snowba- goddammit!” cried the red haired exorcist as a ball of snow was thrusted in his face by none other than the infamous fallen angel, who was now running away, laughing. “Such language for an exorcist~!” He yelled back, obviously trying to instigate. And it was working.

Growling, Lindo ran after him, snow still dripping from his face as he sped by at an alarming pace. Even though his demise was inevitable by now, Shiki kept chuckling and attempting to flee the scene. It only took about 15 seconds for the fitter male to catch up to the fallen angel. Pouncing, Lindo managed to pin Shiki to the frosty ground, that was previously covered in a blanket of smooth and untouched snow.

“What are you going to do?” asked the seemingly dominated fallen angel. “How the thought exites me! You can’t use any of your exorcist trick since I still have angel blood. So~ What. Will. You. Do?” He inquired, smirk never leaving his face as he gazed up at the red haired male, almost as if he was challenging him to do something.

Unexpectedly, Lindo responded only with a smirk of his own, catching the being beneath him off guard. He came closer and closer to his face, close enough so they could feel each others breath. Lindo lingered there for a moment, staring into Amber eyes, letting Shiki’s breath warm his cheeks from the bitter cold.

Shiki waited in torturous anticipation for what was to come. His cheeks flared a bright red, almost as red as Lindo’s hair as said male came closer, letting his lips come down to Shiki’s ear. He stayed silent for a moment until whispering two words, two horrible words. “No dinner.” With that he effortlessly stood up and rubbed the left over snow from his face before leaving the smaller male alone in the snow. “What?! No! Come back! I’ll be good!”

Hope you like it!!

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