"If you die, I'm gonna kill you." Lindo and the Devils

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This is more a bonding sort of thing))

“If you die, I’m gonna kill you.” stated the red haired male, staring intensly at the 5 devilish beings in front of him. This we as task only they could do. Going to hell, or Gehenna wasn’t an option for him despite all the times he’s been told to. He wasn’t even a sliver of a devil, being part vampire made his options worse. So, the only choice was to stay here and hope for the best.

“Aww, has the mean exorcist come to appreciate us, after all this time?” The man in a white uniform mused, a brilliantly red rose in his hand. “Oh~ How interesting.” commented the purple haired one. Before a smirk could even think to cross its way over his features, a tall, blond male had grabbed him by the shoulder roughly. “Nobody asked you fallen angel!” He growled, annoyed by the mere, unsettling presence of the shorter man.

“Stop.” commanded a voice, Rem Arlond, the son of the devil they were about to meet with. The devil that would possibly kill them. “And Mr. Tachibana. I’ll have you know that it is impossible to kill us when we are already dead. Or has that knowledge illuded you as well?” he insulted. Despite his harshness, his hands were shaking. He was afraid. Anyone could tell.

Lindo sighed and placed a hand in his shoulder. “Its an expression…just don’t die.” He said, nodding slightly. He acknowledged that this was taking a great amount of courage from him, to stand up to his father. “If we are all quite done.” A soft and mysterious voice sounded from the back of the group. They all turned around to be met with the sight of a short, blue haired male. “But we have to part now. Our audience starts in 2 minutes.” he reminded them.

“All right.” Rem began. “We must go.” When he said this, his eyes watched over all of them and nodded, a signal for them to get going. One by one they disappeared in a haze of black and purple smoke. Rem turned around to face Lindo. “Wish us luck.” With that, he vanished. “Yeah, good luck.” he repeated and sighed. This was going to be a long wait. Thankfully he brought puzzles!

Hope you like it!!

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