Funny scenario, I don't know

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     What a truly wonderful day it was. Both of the girls had woken up in a lovely mood, gotten good scores on their quizzes and they were genuinely enjoying each other's company. Though their luck had changed in an instant when they each felt an arm wrap around them. "Why hello darling butterflies? What kind of fortune has befallen you to cause such wide smiles?" Not him. Anyone but him. "What do you want Urie?" harshly asked the blonde girl, her glare piercing through him. He gulped. "I was as just enjoying the company of the most beautiful people I know." Then she said it.
     "What about Mage?" The words had slipped through the brunettes mouth as if it had been covered in soap. Azuna's movement were quick, but her hand had not been swift enough to block out Ritsuka's words. "Pardon?" Questioned the perplexed incubus, confused as to why Mage would be considered a beautiful person. That brute? No way. "Nothing! No words came out of my mouth!" Ritsuka shouted, blushing and trying to disregard what she had previously blubbered. "Butterfly." The man uttered darkly. "Just why would I find that...that...ruffian attractive?!" His voice grew more and more irritated with every word.

     " aren't together...?" This time, Azuna was the one asking the question, for once she was interested in what the student council was up to. "Me. And. Mage? You must be joking?" He chuckled, until he saw their faces. "You...are joking aren't you?" They stayed silent, only looking at each other. "The um...the whole school kind of thinks you're a really cute couple." It was in that moment, Urie's pride had died. "WHAT?!" He yelled, and then started ranting about all of the reasons he despised mage. Rather dramatically I must add. However, when he looked back at the girls, there were no girls. Which reminded him of the disgusting assumption once more. He spent the rest of the week in Barcelona to get away from the school and, more importantly, Mage.

Hope you like it!!

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