Urie x Ritsuka "So, I found this waterfall..."

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“So, I found this waterfall…” “No.” “But butterfly! Why not?” Ritsuka Tachibana sighed, exasperated by the antics of the incubus, who was currently on his knees beside her, practically begging. “There are many reasons. 1. My brother that you always seem to forget about. 2. School. My attendance record is horrible already.” she explained sternly, no matter how many times she told him about these 2 key factors, he always either forgot or ignored them.

“Ritsuka!” “No!” “You didn’t let me finish though!” “I don’t ne-” Oh god. Not the look. His eyes bore into her very soul, his lips were set in a pout, puckering his lips out slightly to emphasise his sadness. And lets not forget the expertly placed rose, he held it close to his heart, almost like he was praying to her. Pleading her to come and let him take her on an adventure. She couldn’t resist.

“Oh…fine.” she agreed, not without hesitation of course. A brilliant smile came to his face as he stood up and took her hand in his. “That’s wonderful news butterfly! This grotto is amazingly gorgeous, I just know you’ll love it.” He seemed absolutely unfazed by the sadness that bad overcome him just a moment ago.

She sighed to herself. Lindo was going to kill her. Before she could wallow in anymore of her self pity, she felt arms encircle themselves around her waist, pulling her closer to their owners chest. “I’m really glad you’re coming, Ritsuka. I believe you are going to love it, that means I get to see your smiling face once more. A simply ravishing sight.” He spoke these words in something close to a whisper.

This sudden closeness was driving her mad, the intoxicating scent of his cologne blurring her senses. “I…” “Get away from my sister you devil!” She was cut off by a cry from a familiar exorcist. Lindo, her elder brother, was running straight towards them with a container of holy water and his sacred cross in hand. “Well, this will have to wait until later, dearest.” With one last charming wink, he teleported to who knows where. All she could do was stand there with her hand over her heart, his scent still fresh in her mind. A small smile came to her lips as she whispered. “Yes. Until then, Urie.”

Hope you like it!!

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