Lindo x Vampire Queen! Reader

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The reader is also a dhampir))

"If I win you get to be my prize." The words fell out of his mouth smugly, his intentions now clear. You had been worried when he had come to your domain. Your fear had increased as soon as he had challenged you. He wanted your throne. You were sure of it. You may seem heartless and fragile, but you truly cared for and protected the people you led. You took pride in the way they looked to you for leadership. You felt powerful. And all of that was about to be taken from you. Or so you thought. He That seemed extremely bizarre and unexpected.
"And just what do you mean by 'me?'" You regally inquires, no matter how peculiar your situation, you had to remain composed. "If I win the have to accept me. You may interpret this in whatever way you like." His words dripped with confidence. As if he was absolutely sure he would prevail. This irritated you to no end, your fists clenched fiercely. "Fine. If I succeed, however, you will leave here. You are very fortunate that I am feeling rather merciful at the moment." You snarled. "How gracious, your highness." He smiled. He was mocking you? No. His eyes held no mischief. Only sincerity. "Very...very well. As tradition states, you will have the opportunity to choose the challenge." You announced authoritatively, your subjects leaning forward in anticipation as he pressed a finger to his lips. "Hide and seek." You let out a displeased scoff. "How childish can you be, Tachibana? However, I accept. We will do this in the forest surrounding the castle. So, I do not have an unfair advantage."
After a couple hours of preparation, the two of you met at the center of the forest. Alone in absolute silence. Only the sounds of nature could be heard. It had been agreed on that you would be the one hiding, definitely not your ideal situation, but it'll have to do. There you both stood, gazing at the other. Your eyes conveyed the way you felt. While you seemed terribly inconvenienced, he stared at you with interest. His wondrous real orbs bore into your very soul, attempting to figure you out. But, unfortunately your staring contest had to come to an end. It was time for the game to commence.
You ran. Quickly, dodging all the obstacles in your path with grace as you looked for a satisfactory place to hide. In a short amount of time, you had found a grove of trees. Your main plan was to cheat a bit, if he came near you would simply switch trees continuously. So, the hunt began. He managed to find the grotto quite easily. The rules were rather simple, he had exactly one hour to catch you. All you need to do was avoid him. It was actually quite entertaining, watching him search desperately. In time, this actually began to fill you with glee. Like an actual game between to friends with no high stakes. But of course, all good things came to an end. Before you knew it, he had only 2 minutes left. A triumphant grin spread across your face, your fangs gleaming brilliantly. The win was in your sights.
As many have experienced, sometimes pride and arrogance can allow you to get sloppy. Your case was no different. One movement was all it took, one minuscule stick cracking underneath your weight was enough to alert the young man of your presence. And just like that it was over. With 30 seconds on the metaphorical clock, victory was his. The prize was his. Your eyes widened, it had all happened so quickly. You had just realized your grave mistake, but that did not matter now. His arms, holding you in a warm embrace, his eyes peering down at you with admiration, his lips that hovered only a few centimeters from your own. Those were what mattered. "I win." He whispered. " appears you have." You affirmed, maintaining your composure, despite how truly flustered you felt. Maybe he wasn't so bad? He wasn't after your thrown after all. But there was something that irked you. "Allow me one question." You requested. He nodded in agreement. "Why did you want me as a prize? You could have asked for my thrown, or been more specific with your intentions." "You're different." He answered immediately. "Pardon?" "You're not out for blood. Or destruction. Or power. You wish for the success of your people, but never at a detrimental cost. I admire that." He smiled. That was sincere and kind. One you had come to cherish in the short time that you had known him. "Well then, Lindo Tachibana." A smirk formed as you met his stare. "You win."

Hope you like it!!

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