Chatting with the wrong guy

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Ok, now I asked for help, no one helped me, why?Because theres nothing to help me with and I couldn't explain it correctly so I just forgot about it. Actually is wasn't that hard to explain, it's just, I was too lazy that's all. Yea, you don't expect a princess to be lazy, do you, of course not, then again I should do more exercise, don't you?

Ok then, so I fell in love with the wrong guy, he saw me looking out my window, smiled and I wanted to talk to him so I ran outside my chamber, the girls chasing me, telling me to come back, I refused, they gave up, I kept on running until I got to some kind of secret waterfall and I jumped in the water saying "canon ball" and I dived in, what?

I never did an actual canon ball into the water. Never mind, someone came around the corner on his ship, got off, I got out, my angel wings were soaked, I didn't really care and guess who came over to me and sat down beside me. The evil king, more like a boy then a man, if you were me you will see what I mean,ok.

"Whats you're name?" he asked. I looked at him, smiled and didn't say a word until somebody interrupted the moment. The girls came, stopped and stared in shock.

"Hi girls. My name is Annabelle. What's yours?" I answered ignoring the girls.

"His name is Keon, the weird, stupid, an ass and stealer" Marie answered just as you know who was about to answer.

"How dare you" he answered.

"She speaks the truth"Orla said. Ok, now he was all red in the face and I thought I saw steam coming out of him but that properly my imagination or something. I don't no, but he was red, like angry red. You know, I don't even care if he explodes because who cares, everyone will be happy, but I won't, maybe.

Ok, he's really angry now because the girls made faces at him and I burst out laughing. What, I couldn't hold it in.

"What are you laughing at?" he asked me.

"You're face, Bahahahahaaaa" I said except realised that I was choking to death and yanked against the wall. "I'm sorry, I didn't....Ow!" I said. "Ow,ow, ow!"

I kept on saying but no one can help me so what I did to hurt him was the kind of thing boys and guys wouldn't like. Yea that right, I kicked him in the wrong area, bit wrong tho. All you could him moaning, I couldn't stop laughing, my cheeks were red and something happened that was so funny that you couldn't stop laughing.

Keon fell into the water, the girls and I couldn't stop laughing even his bodyguards were laughing. He got out, slapped me across the face, I ducked, he missed, then slapped me, I ducked again but he got me and stomped onto the ship and shouted"I will get you" and I didn't really get what he meant but I new it was a good thing but the girls say it was a bad thing.

My father is going to kill me especially my mother. Oh god, my mother, she does not know where I am. Or does she?OH SHIT!

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