Getting separated from the others...but me, taken, just great

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There was a lot of smoke everywhere and when it disappeared I was being hit, Everyone had disappeared and someone knocked me out, I fell to ground and in my mind I said "help me, Peter".

Peter POV

Oh great we have been split and now this snake girl appeared.

Orla POV

We were all split up but Lola and I are together.

Cassie POV

The bad thing is that were split but the good thing is that I'm with Orla

Peter POV

Great. Just great

Ciara POV

I'm not going even to say it.

Marie POV

Oh why did this have to happen


I'm lost now. I got to find the others

Annabelle POV

Where am I? I'm in a weird place and I don't like it.

"I finally found you" said a dark, creepy, voice.

"Who's there? Show yourself, weirdo" I jestered in laughter. Then i saw it was and I wasn't happy one bit. It was Keon, the weiro.

Keon POV

Thank god I found her and now...shes mine!

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