The floating Islands

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I'm in the sky now, not falling, not dying but flying to weird, looking islands. We flew over to the one we saw 1st and landed safely. The first island was such a beautiful site with flowers scattered everywhere, a river that stretched as far as you can possibly imagine, mountains the size as Mount Everest but a lot bigger, cool stuff like a sculptor of a girl.

"Oh my fucking god. It's a person" I shouted pointing 'at the girl. Cassie had a good look at it and smiled.

"That's right. It is a girl but really realistic" she said. I made it crackle and a girl fell out of it. Peter caught her and she blinked four times at him. "

Thanks for freeing me, I was stuck like that for about I don't know, maybe for a hundred years" she said.

She looked at me and beamed at me.

"Hey you'e Annabelle, aren't you? My name is Milly, I love video games and a whole lot of other awesome stuff" She said. I

asked her would she like to come with us and she said yes. She got really hyper and couldn't stop talking to Tara who anjoyed long conversations during long jouneys.

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