Finding the waterfall, thank god

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As the air came clearer I could see what I was standing on. It was bones, bones of humans then something came out of no where. It was a monster and I screamed in horror. It ran off and I thought it was me that scared the little bastard but it wasn't. In fact it wasn't me at all. It was a bigger monster and I froze and ran to everyone else.

"That's what you deserve, for running off like that and leaving us like that"Peter said after he destroyed the monster.

"Don't start with me" I barked.

"Now calm down, Annabelle. He didn't mean to make you angry" Orla said.

"How can I calm down.You're all like walking around like a bunch of cave people" I answered back.

"Does this happen often. Kevin?" Tara asked. Kevin shrugged and said nothing. I started to click my fingers and sparks started to appear from my fingers. I know I can loose my temper but it's my fault. That's how I was born. The great god created me. Nobody else but I'm a half believer.

"I see the waterfall" I shouted pointing to a beautiful waterfall that smelled like sweet, sweet, justest. That's what I thought the smell was but it was actually roses, dasies and ice-cream.

"Ice-cream, really, Annabelle" Peter asked,looking at me as if I was the stupid one. My whole face went red and I felt like steam was coming out of my ears.

"You're so annoying" I roared

"Look who's talking"Peter snorted

"Oh that does it. I'm leaving!" I shouted and stomped off

"Wait, Annabelle come back" Marie called but I wasn't listing.

"Nice one,Peter" Cassie shouted in his face.

"What you blaiming me for, she got angry, not my problem" he replied

"God you're so stupid,Peter" Ciara yelled. I didnt actually go home. I just sat on a rock, tears streaming down my face. I got up and ran back to the others.

"Hey, you decided to come back" was the first word Peter said and I was speechless.

"I see the waterfall" Ciara shouted. She ran over to it and for some reason jumped into the water.

"Why did we have to find the waterfall again?" I asked. Nobody answered me so I sat on the edge of "glory" the waterfall and watched Ciara perform amazing tricks, ha!

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