The final battle between the good vs evil

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Annabelle POV

I don't know what he wants with me but all know it's not a good thing.

"Who did you think is was?"he smirked

"Whatever weirdo" I giggled

Peter POV

I think I know where Annabelle is. She got a kidnapped by that bastard Keon It's obvious because she would come and find me but she's not coming so its so obvious

Tara POV

Fuck sake, why did we have to be separated, its ridiculous and stupid.

Cassie POV

Oh great I have to kill this monster who is attacking me with its sword and I'm not really good at fighting really.

Orla POV

I'm going to kill this monster then I'm going to find the others

Maire POV

"Take this and that!" I shrieked.

Milly POV

What am I suppossed to do now, fight until my death ends?

Annabelle POV

I looked around the place. It was in a such a bad mess, there was bones everywhere and.........

"You look scared" Keon said, smiling. He told me to get up

"Why?" I asked after he forced me to get up. He ignored the question so I ignored him. I was put in a bigger room and it was pitch black. I flopped myself onto a bed and cried in my sleep.

Peter POV

I hit the monster with my long sword and cut him in half.

"God you're a strong demon" someone said. I turned around and there was a beautiful women but she was an evil one. She was a vampire and her name was Amelia.

"I'm going to chop you into little pieces and eat you all up" she said smiling. What an idiot, she doesn't know who she's dealing with.

She ran over to me and swung her sword at me but she missed. I kicked her and send her flying but she flew back at me.

"I am Amelia, daughter of the high vampires and you are my dinner. I'm starting to get hungry and my taste buds tell me that you taste delicious" Amelia said laughing. What's the matter with this one, she weird.

Annabelle POV

Help me,Peter, I'm sorry for annoying you. Keon is forcing me to get up, and come with him. He forcing me to lie on a flat, hard rock and I'm refusing. He knocked me out and I feel like I'm losing my powers.

Kevin POV

I have a feeling that Annabelle is dead


Lets kill these fucking monsters

Dylan POV

Use your powers Dylan, you want to win one of the girls heart so you have to be brave and kill every single monster that gets in there way. I just killed the monster now and I'm going to find the others. I found someone. It is Ciara and she is getting hurt. I killed the monster and Ciara is riding on my back.

Ciara POV

I am now riding on a cute boy and I think I'm after falling in love with because I'm blushing and my heart is beating like big drums, like size as the Eiffel tower.

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