Chapter 8 Starting

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A.N Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I love this picture! This is my Google account picture. Just saying, things will be getting a little steamy! I'm excited. ENJOY
Ravens POV

The Titans were having a day off. We were at the park.

Starfire: Please, let us play the hide and the seeking.

She pleaded when we ( the others) were debating what game to play.

Beast boy: Yah! Hide and seek!
Robin: Fine. Hide and seek it is. Raven, you playing?
R: Sure.
Cyborg: I'll be it.
Beast boy: Count to 50.
Cyborg: Got it.

He started to count. I flew onto a hidden tree branch. **** Cyborg finally finished counting. He started to look. It took him like five minutes to find Starfire, then another seven to find Beast boy. I watched as they searched around cluelessly. It was very tiresome.

Cyborg: Robin! Raven! Come out, come out wherever you are.

I sat leaning my head on a tree. I yawned very quietly. My eyes started to close. ******************************

Beast boy: Raven! There you are!

I felt myself being held in someone's arms. I opened my eyes and saw Beast boy.

R: Huh?!

I jumped a bit. He kept me in a hug. My heart was speeding.

Beast boy: We couldn't find you. We called your name and you never answered. I saw you in a tree and flew you down.

It was to silent. No one replied. We looked at them and they looked at us. We realised what it was. We ripped each off each other. I put my hood up and was blushing like a mad man. Beast boy did the same. I felt bad every body saw him blushing.

Cyborg: Yah... You were stuck in a tree... Right?

Cyborg couldn't even focus.

R: Oh, I must have fallen asleep.
Beast boy: Ahh, hey...

He started to walk away.

Beast boy: I'm gonna go.

We all shrugged and watched as Beast boy flew away as a bird.

Robin: So... What do you want to do now?

We spent the day out. We really didn't know what to do.  Just sorta walked around and looked through different places. Practically just seeking bad guys even though this is are free day. We arrived back home. Every one went to bed and I haven't seen Beast boy since we arrived. I'm pretty sure he was sleeping. Instead of me going to sleep, I wanted to drink some herbal tea. I walked into the dark common room and headed to the kitchen. I didn't bother with turning on the lights. I sat there waiting for it to be done getting hot. It was ready and I sat down on the couch. While I was sipping my tea, I saw something move. It looked like a silhouette. I placed my tea delicately on the arm rest.

R: Whose there?

I asked. I recognised the sorta raspy voice. I felt relived it was just him.

Beast boy: Easy. It's just me.

He said that a lot.

R: How come you never said anything?
Beast boy: I didn't want to scare you. That doesn't matter I guess... I still scared you.

I just sighed. He came into the moon light. He looked really...

Beast boy: Can I sit?
R: Sure.

He sat down next to me. A little close. It made me tingle.

Beast boy: So I'm sorry I hugged you earlier. I know you don't like hugs.

I blushed, not sure how to respond. My whole life has come down to blushing! 

R: It's fine.

He smiled.

Beast boy: They made it really awkward.
R: Yeah. They always do that.
Beast boy: I know right!

I laughed, witch caused him to laugh. He was... OH MY GOSH...

R: Your kinda... Funny.
Beast boy: You think I'm funny?
R: Don't push your luck.
Beast boy: You could trust me.

I smiled. The moon light hit his face. I saw his profile and sharp jawline.

R: What are you doing up?
Beast boy: En.. Don't know. Not tired I guess.
R: Me to.

He stood up. I took my last sip of tea. He held his hand out. My heart speed up.
I surprisingly took his hand sending chills down my everything. We stood at the moon light witch made are bodies look blueish.

Beast boy: My favourite station plays the best music at this hour.

He smirked. Gosh!

R: Where's the music?

I said without me trying. He smiled then with his foot slid out of the shadows a little radio.

Beast boy: Don't worry, it's here.

He tapped on the radio. It was quiet but so peaceful. The music was pretty. He placed his hand on my waist. He did hesitate, just like I hesitated to place my hands around his neck. This was amazing. I trie to stop my feelings for him... Why? We danced and he twirled me around. We were making jokes to. It was 3 AM when we decided  to crash for the night. I didn't want to leave him. We walked away from each other going to are rooms. I had a feeling... This may be a start to something.

Morning came and everything was normal. Starfire was sitting next to Robin. Cyborg was watching TV. I was reading while drinking herbal tea. Beast boy came in the room. We made eye contact but both looked away. Hopefully nobody noticed. He got some food then very casually sat next to me.

Beast boy: Don't mention it.

He whispered.

R: I wouldn't ever in my life.

I whispered back. He kept eating next to me. I think he grew an inch taller. I watched Robin walk out the room. Starfire looked sad, but she sat next to us.

Starfire: Greetings friends. How was your sleep?

She asked sounding a bit glum.

Beast boy: It was good Star. I had good dreams.

I raised a brow. I hope not about us.

Starfire: Friend Raven?
R: Mine was good to. Yours?

I asked in my monotone voice.

Starfire: Most delightful.

She cheered.

Cyborg: BB! Watch this!

Beast boy watched. Cyborg did some TV thing I didn't understand.

Beast boy: Cool.

Cyborgs Communicator rang. Bees voice soared in the room.

Bee: ***come**** Yah**
Cyborg: Okay, yah. I'm going to visit Bee.

We smiled.

Us: Ok-ay

He brushed us off.

Cyborg: See you later.

He left Titans tower. We all smirked to each other like little kids laughing at the word "but".

Starfire: I shall go watch the program of the fungus!

Starfire cheered. Me and Beast boy shivered. He put away his bowl away. I stood up. I went to go meditate on the roof.

It was a while after I started meditating. I decided to stop. I made my way to my room. On my door there was a note. It read: Hey. You look pretty one you meditate. Beast boy.  
I smiled to myself and went inside my room.

A.N Hey! Did you like it? I can't make it to romantic suddenly, but what did you think? I liked it though. I'll see you guys later! Love, Sinead.

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