Chapter 33 Go away!!

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A.N There's our Rae! ENJOY this one. ;)
Third person**
5 hours had passed after the Titans asked if Raven was okay. Finally she was ready to answer...

R: Yeah, I'm alright.

That's all it was. Her face was plain and simple. She wore a tiny, tiny smile. The Titans looked at each other and started whispering.

Robin: I don't know how she's doing. I mean, she answered 5 hours later...
Cyborg: She said she was okay...

However, Raven knew she was angry at Beast boy. Last thing she remembered was she was sitting on the steps at the opposite side of the room Beast boy was on. He cheated on her. That's all she could think of right now. While the Titans, well, with the excuse of Beast boy who was only starring at Raven, were speaking Raven walked out of the room. Leaving Beast boy at the biggest cliff hanger of his life.

Ravens POV.
I don't know what happened to me, but all I know is that Beast boy cheated on me! I hate him so much!! I ran to my room. When I opened my door all I saw was a huge mess.

R: What?

I whispered to myself. Glass was on the ground and books were scattered. On my floor laid my cape. I put it on after shacking off glass shards. I looked at my wall, the pictures that had broken glass were crooked. Since I couldn't walk to them, I used my black energy to fix them. Then I did the same with the glass. After I finished putting the last of glass in the trash, I peered into my bathroom. There I looked into my mirror. I was shocked. My gem on my forehead was bandaged up. My right eye specifically, was a bit red. Had I gotten pink eye? I'm so confused right now. I unwrapped the bandages on my gem. It looked perfectly normal, so I was even more confused. What happened to me? To my room? Did we fight crime and they attacked me in my room knocking me out? Or... Wait! Did BEAST BOY do this?! He probably got so annoyed of me ignoring him that he trashed my room and hurt me! That's why he kept looking at me before I left. He was waiting till I saw my room! What the fuck! Raven come to your senses! You idiot! Of course he didn't do this! You have to meditate to find out the truth. Yes. Meditation and herbal tea. The way it was before. The original Raven Roth. Right.

I finally got to the common room. Everyone was starring at me. Thank god! Beast boy wasn't in the room! I got my tea and sat down beside Starfire and Cyborg. They looked concerned. It was so annoying!

R: What?

I asked with monotone.

Starfire: Friend Raven, you are feeling the okay?
R: Yeah. Why wouldn't I?
Cyborg: You don't remember?

I shook my head no.

Cyborg: What have you gotten yourself into little lady?

I turned red in embarrassment.

Cyborg: Well after you and Beast boy got into a fight-

Suddenly I felt a huge disturbance. He was in the room. I slowly turned my head to look at the doors. He stood there looking upset. I noticed on his cheeks he had multiple cuts. From what? He finally noticed I was in the room. He just stared at me. After a while he finally sat down on the couch. Even with two people In between us, it was incredibly uncomfortable. Everyone was silent. It was so awkward.

Beast boy: What's on TV?

He said glumly, breaking the silence.

Robin: Umm, well there's "My fair wedding" and.... Here, you just take the remote...

Robin threw Beast boy the remote. He channel suffered. When he got to one about NASA Starfire quickly stopped him.

Starfire: Oh! Friend Beast boy, may we enjoy the program of the NASA?
Beast boy: Sure.
Starfire: Oh yes! Thank you, thank you!

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