Chapter 27 Meet US

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A.N Hey, I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Reks room looked so good now that it was finished. We painted it brown. Her magenta comforter and pink, purple, and brown pillow looked nice with the walls. Rek met Cyborg yesterday, but this is her first morning with the Titans. She defiantly likes me and Star the most. After I got ready I headed to her room. All was well and peaceful until I heard the sound of Starfires voice.

Starfire: Oh it is a glorious day! It is time to do the checking up on friend Rek!

I tensed a bit. I went down the hall quicker. I heard Stars quick footsteps on the ground than there was nothing. Shoot, that meant she was flying. I kept going, Reks door in view now. Almost there-

Starfire: Friend Raven! You were visiting Friend Rek as well?

She squealed as she hugged me. I sighed.

R: Yeah. You know it.

I dragged out with monotone.

Starfire: Glorious!
R: Whatever you say...

We made our way to Reks door. I knocked quietly. I heard shuffling than she opened the door. Star and my eyes widened. She was in her uniform.

Starfire: EEEEE! Friend Rek, you look the stunning!

Starfire said while hugging Rek. Rek blushed.

Rek: Thanks...
R: Let's go. Your first morning with us.

She nodded than took Stars hand. We finally got to the common room. The door slid open. We entered and they looked at us. They as in Cyborg and Robin. No BB. But that was normal. Robin and Cyborg smiled.

Robin: Morning Starfire, Morning Raven.

He looked at little Rek.

Robin: And good morning, little princess.

Rek blushed.

Rek: Hi Robin.

She said quietly.

Cyborg: So, is her room finished?

Cy asked.

Starfire: Yes, and it is most beautiful!

She cheered as always. What do I prefer? Angry, controlling Starfire? Or kind, cheery, squealing Starfire?

Cyborg: That's good. Now come have food ladies. I hope you like ribs Rek!

We all walked to the counter. Delicious looking ribs and eggs and hash browns sat there. Rek looked happy. We grabbed our plates.

R: Sit where you want.

I told her. She nodded. All of us went to the couch. She followed. We sat down right as Beast Boy walked in.

Beast boy: What's up dudes and dudets?

He said entering grandly.

Starfire: Hello friend Beast boy. What is the up is the meal of breaking the fast! Unless you mean the sky?

She said stoping to think.

Beast boy: Nope, you got it right the first time Star!

He said. He scanned the fridge for any tofu products. He grabbed some tofu burger thing... He then heated it up. When he came to sit with us he messed up my hair a bit.

R: Don't do that.

He smirked than winked at me teasingly. I tried to stop the blush from rising on my face. Rek caught this all. Great! Sightings with Rek, staring Raven and Beast boy!... Rrr.

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