Bowers Tutor

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Kate's POV

"Please daddy stop! It hurts! No please I promise I'll be good I won't do it again." I pleaded as my father struck me over and over with his worn out leather belt. It felt like a thousand knives or lightning bolts hitting me all at once. Again. And again. And again. Pleading never helped, the more I spoke the more he'd swing at me. It hurt. I reach out for my mother who stood and watched without a care. " you were a mistake" she hissed. "Mommy please?!" I yelped. "Mommy please." She jeered, mocking my agony. She grabbed a needle from her bag.

  After my father cheated on her she started abusing not only her children but herself. Meth. She'd do this multiple times a week. Reggie and I would come home from school and see her passed out on the couch. If she wasn't high. She was drunk. As goes the same for my father. She took the empty needle in hand and slowly approached me. "No mommy!" I screamed. "Shut up!" I felt the sting of my fathers hand collided with my small cheek. She dug her needle deep into my skin, twisting it to bring more blood. She repeatedly done this over and over no matter how much I screamed. I screamed until I could let anymore. Hot tears ran down my face, my throat was dry and scratchy, I couldn't breathe. My father hit me again. One time. Two times. Three. Six. Twelve. I don't know. I lost count. I lied there silently unable to move. Bleeding to death and beaten black and blue. Everything around me was fading. Life from my body was leaving me at that very moment. This was it. I was going to die.

  I blacked out, when I woke up I was being rushed into an ambulance. Everything was in and out. "Stay with me Kate! Don't you leave me! You can't leave you're all I have!" I turned my head slightly to where the voice was coming from. My brother Reginald was right by my side. "I promise I will never let anything happen to you again. I'm so sorry!" I lifted my hand up towards him "reg, I love you" he grasped onto my hand not letting go as they lifted me into the truck. "I love you too, don't you die on me!" I black out again but never once letting go of my brothers hand.

  I woke up in a cold sweat. My body trembling. I often had this same nightmare, I wish it was only a nightmare but it happened. My mother and father tried to kill me while blown out of their fucking minds. It physically makes me sick to think of that night, but if it wasn't for my brother, I wouldn't be alive. I don't know what happened after I blacked out, Belch told me he came home from his friends house finding me barely breathing in the middle of the hallway, our parents passed out from drugs and alcohol. He had called an ambulance, our neighbor, and our grandparents. I don't remember seeing any of them when the EMT were carrying me into the ambulance.

  All I remember was seeing my brother right by my side the whole time, sobbing not letting go of me. When I woke up I was in the hospital surrounded by Belch and our grandparents, he was sitting on the bed right next to me, holding my hand and stroking my hair. "I'm so sorry bug, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, I promised to protect you and I let you down. I promise it'll never happen again, I'll never leave your side." I couldn't talk, I was in too much pain, the only thing I could do was smile and barely mumble "I love you Reg"

I reach up and wiped his tears away, he held onto my hand as tears continued to roll down his face. "I love you too bug" that was the worst night night of my life. But what hurt the most was seeing my brother cry, and how he was disappointed in himself for not being there when it happened. I'm just glad he got to me in time. After that my parents were arrested, my mother never even made it to the police car. My father had punched the cop and grabbed his gun, he shot the cop, only wounding his arm, but he didn't miss when he aimed at my mother. A week later when my father was sentenced to 18 years in prison, he took his own life by hanging himself with the sheets inside the prison walls. Now things are better than ever, my grandparents are the sweetest and will do anything for Belch and I.

Secret Us-Henry BowersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora