I'll Protect You

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Kate's POV

It was lunch, and I was still shaking from the small argument that Patrick and I had. He was some dick to be irritating me that much - if he knew what I was capable of he wouldn't even look at me. Stupid prick. I made my way down the hall and saw Maddy standing next to her locker, her gaze focused on my brother, who was a few lockers down from her. "Hey, Mads!" I smiled as I made my way to her side. She jumped, as though startled from a deep though. "Oh, uh, hey!" I chuckled to myself as she twisted a strand of her blonde hair with her finger, whilst turning her gaze back to Belch. "Henry invited us to have lunch with him." I annonced, but for some reason, she had not heard. Clearing my throat, I groaned, "earth to Maddy." She looked at me and smiled. "Oh, that's nice, have fun." I placed my hand on my forehead and laughed to myself, "Belch is gonna be there."  Finally, something that had actually sparked her interest. "Okay, let's go!" We both walked towards the hall and then made our way to the table that Henry and his gang always sat at. Victor was already sitting down, sipping his can of coke and his eyes focused on me as I strode towards him. "Hey, Vic." He put the can down and smiled, whilst patting the seat next to him.

I sat on the chair next to him and looked around. "Henry should be here soon," he chuckled whilst having another sip of his coke. "I just saw Belch in the corridor, so he should be here soon as well."  Maddy cleared her voice, whilst placing a strand of hair behind her ear, "want me to get you anything to eat, Kate?" I nodded and on that note, she turned away and walked to the lunch queue. "I couldn't stop myself from laughing when you and Patrick had that fight!" Victor choked on his drink whilst putting it down, "what you said about him was so accurate."  "Who said what about who?" Henry butted in as he took a seat opposite me, with Belch on his side. "Kate cussed the life out of Patrick today and made him get so pissed off. She smashed him right in the jaw," he paused before he added, "Patrick got suspended for throwing shit at her." Henry looked at me for a few moments, disbelief in his eyes. Belch let out a small chuckle, "it's true, I saw the whole thing." "Ain't we supposed to be eating outside, or?" Henry mumbled whilst standing up. "Well we're all here now, so I guess we might as well just stay in here." He slumped back in his chair before reaching into his pocket and sliding a tuna sandwich over the table.

"You can have it, I'm not Hungry." I looked at him before smiling, "thanks!" Before I took a bite, I raised an eyebrow at him. "What?" "Did you put anything nasty in here?" He rolled his eyes and then muttered, "of course not." I took a bite out of it and swallowed. Maddy was walking towards us, a cheese baguette in her hand. "Here Maddy." She passed me the baguette and then sat down next to Belch. I noticed that her face was turning slightly red, and so was Belch's. "So, Belch, this is my best friend, Maddy." Belch made eye contact with her and then shook her hand, "nice to meet you." "Belch has a girlfriend!" I heard Victor giggle whilst he threw his now empty can on the floor.

"Kate, did Patrick touch you?" Henry suddenly spoke with concern, "No, I didn't give him the chance, I would've fucked him up." Belch snorted "Sure you would've" I turned to him, "Oh you don't think I could've?" I raised my brow, "not that, it's just Patrick– he's not all there, he's messed up and wouldn't have no mercy", "Neither would I" I replied. "He could've really hurt you, it's a good thing Vic and I were there" Belch said taking a bite of his sandwich, "yeah, thanks guys." I said smiling to the two. "well, if he tries that shit again just tell me alright? I'll handle it." Henry furrowed his brows at me, I nodded and looked towards the door to see Patrick coming this way, "speak of the devil..." Henry turned to see Patrick stomping towards me with clenched fists.

Henry stood up blocking him from me just in time before he got to me, "oh, hi Cockstetter.." I looked at him with disgust, "move out of my way Henry" he tried pushing him off. "Back up Hockstetter, if you want her you're gonna have to go through me first" I saw Henry's fists clench and arms tighten through his hoodie. "That can be arranged" Patrick growled, threatening Henry, he tried going around him only for Henry to step in his way, "Patrick calm down man" Vic said trying to get him to back off, "you seen what that bitch done this morning!" he yelled, by now the whole cafeteria had their eyes on us. "I seen you 'bout get your ass kicked..." Vic mumbled towards me. I let out a snort, "Patrick I'm warning you, back away" Henry advised.

  Patrick licked his lips and chuckled, "Yeah, I see how it is, protect your little slut.", Henry gripped Patrick by the collar, "Don't you ever call her that again", "Or what? Huh? You gonna hit me Bowers? C'mon, do it..." he looked over Henry's shoulder to me"...slut" Henry's fist collided with Patrick's nose, he fell to the floor and Henry climbed over top of him. Fists were flying, Patrick fought back and tried to choke Henry, "Stop choking me and fight like a man you pussy!" he yelled with a forced voice. With every punch Patrick face became more bloody and beaten. Henry was showing him no mercy, and he was doing this to protect me. The Bowers gang are infamous for bullying and cutting up others, so why the sudden change of Henry? Maybe he picks the targets and I wasn't one? Or maybe he's just defend me so he can get out of summer school, after all that's why I'm his tutor, it's not like he'd ever want to be more.

  Patrick continued to choke Henry, but it didn't phase him, instead he grabbed Patrick's hair and began to smash his head against the concrete floor, Do to the impact Patrick let go, "Should we do something?" Vic said looking startled, "I'd like to see how this turns out, I've never seen a fight before." I shrugged, Belch chimed in, "So we're just gonna watch them bash each other's brains out and kill each other? They won't stop on their own until someone gets badly hurt or worse, killed. I'm not watching this, c'mon Vic".

The two both hopped up from their seats and tore the two apart from one another. "Stop! Guys stop!" "No! He called her a slut" Henry yelled trying to get out of Belch's grip. I stood up and Maddy gripped my arm, "it's okay" I whispered and walked towards the groups of squalling boys, I got between the two, Vic and Belch had a good grip on them so they couldn't move. "Henry, it's okay", "it's not okay Kate! You heard what he called you!" Henry looked down at me, I placed my small hand on his toned chest and he looked down at it. "Henry, please? If you two keep fighting your dad will come down here, and then.... we wouldn't be able to go to the quarry together this evening." I whispered loud enough only he could hear. He sighed, "alright, Belch can you let me go?" Belch looked at me and i nodded.

  "Get out of here, Hockstetter." he growled in a low voice. Patrick twisted out of Vic's arms and walked out the cafeteria, blood gushing from his nose. "Let's go get some air, Henry" I grabbed his arm and started leading him outside, we sat down on a bench and I turned to him. "Why did you do that?" I shook my head and looked to the ground, "he called you a slut." he said looking straight forward. "I know, but you didn't have to defend me.", he looked over at me, "he would've hurt you, Kate. I wasn't going to let that happen. You're too nice of a girl.... and too pretty to have a messed up face.", my face turned a deep shade of red.

"You just done that because I'm your tutor, and you want to pass without going to summer school. You're only calling me pretty because I'm nice to you and you didn't want to see me pulverized". He paused for a moment, "You're right, I did do it because you're my tutor, and I didn't want to see you pulverized... But, you're also my friend, and I actually think you're really pretty." I looked up at him to see him already smiling down at me. His face was bright red, as was mine, he looked away and put his hand on the back of his neck.

  I looked at his hand and saw that it was cut and bleeding, "oh, Henry! Your hand!" I grabbed it without thinking and inspected it, "I'm okay" he chuckled. "Does it hurt?" I asked concerned, "little bit, but it's fine, I've had worse'. "You didn't have to", "Kate, it's okay. Really..." he stopped for a second and I looked back down to his hand that was on my knee, "...I'll protect you" he finished. I looked back up to his with my doe like eyes, "thank you" I said as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and hugged him, he was hesitant but then I felt his arms wrap around my waist. His words reminded me of Belch, but somehow made me feel different, a good different. This feeling, the feeling of him, it makes me feel– safe.


A/n– I know it's not long, but here it is. I know you guys have waited long enough, I hope you like it. If you do vote on it, and comment what you think? What do you think is going to happen? Thank you guys for always reading and I hope you guys enjoy it. I love writing for you guys, if it weren't for you guys boosting my confidence, I'd never write. But thank you so much for all the reads! 2.8K?! Like frl you guys are amazing! Keep it up! Ily guys🖤🖤🖤

Also I have other stories published if you'd like to check them out😊

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