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Henry's POV

Kate wrapped her arms around me and at first I didn't know how to react, I've never been hugged willingly by anyone. I wrapped my arms around her waist and gently rested my head on hers. Her head lied on my shoulder, she softly spoke barely loud enough for me to hear, "you smell nice" I smiled to myself and replied, "so do you". She giggled and raised back up, her arms returned to her sides, I already missed her touch. "Thank you, we should probably go back in the bell is about to ring..." I sighed, "...I really dread this class". I looked up at her, "why?", she groaned, "because Patrick is in it..."

  I rolled my eyes at his name, he's really begun to piss me off lately. "I could skip, and watch your class, just incase he tries anything." I was going to skip anyways, I hated chemistry, and today of all days Mrs. Cornell wanted to do shit with sulfur. Since Kate and I are going to the quarry later I don't want to be smelling of rotten eggs, plus she just told me I smell nice so I'm definitely not going. "No, that's okay, you shouldn't skip just to watch out for me. Belch and Victor are in there with me, I don't think they'll let Patrick bother me too much." I nodded.

The bell rang and the two of us got up and walked back towards the school entrance, "well at least you won't have to put up with him until Thursday." I spoke lowly and opened the door for her, she turned and gave me a playful grin, "at least this week I can talk to you without having to deal with Creepstetter". That exuberant smile made my cheeks flush, it made my body ache for her, but she'll never have any feelings for a troubled asshole like me. I could never have anything as sweet as her in my life, I'd break her. "you know if you want to talk to me you shouldn't worry about Hockstetter, because if you're around me he won't do shit, so you can come over to the gang and talk to me anytime.... if you want" she looked down trying to hide her face, "I'd like that" she mumbled.

"Let me at least walk you to class?", I offered. "Yeah, Okay.... we're still going to the quarry together later, right?" She looked up at me with pleading eyes. "Of course, I wouldn't forget. I'll be waiting there when you get off work. Sound good?" She nodded, as we approached her class people gave her dirty looks because she was walking with me. I don't blame them, why would such a beautiful girl talk to a worthless piece of shit like myself. "Henry?" I could tell they were getting to her, "hm?" "Why is everyone staring at me? Do I have something on me?" She asked looking worried. "No, it's me" "huh?", I groaned and leaned against the wall, "they're staring at you because you're walking with me."

Her face was confused, "but I don't see what's wrong with you? Am I not suppose to walk with you? Or be nice to you and be your friend?" I smiled slightly as she took up for me trying to make me feel better. She was sweet, she saw he good in people, she didn't see the monster everyone else sees. "Apparently not. Everyone just sees me as 'Henry Bowers, biggest bully in Derry'." She stepped closer, "I don't, you haven't bullied me, you've been nothing but nice and taken up for me" I brushed her hair behind her ear, "you're too nice to bully". I giggled, "Yeah well tell that to that cow Gretta" I furrowed my brows, "is she saying shit to you too?" She shook her head, "nothing I can't handle myself." I narrowed my eyes at her, "you sure? Cause I don't care to smack a hoe" "I'm sure but thanks anyways"

She grabbed my forearm and lightly strolled it with her thumb. "I should probably get in there, the tardy bell will ring any minute" I nodded "yeah, if Patrick does anything just let me know." She stood up on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around my neck, giving me a tight hug once more, this time I didn't hesitate to wrap her up in my own arms. "I will..." She purred in my ear. "....see you next class, Henry", she let go walking into her class. "Bye beautiful" I said causing her to blush.

Kate's POV

I walked into class with my cheek beet red and burning. He called me beautiful, I tried to hold back my smile but it was no use. I walked to the back of the room and sat between Belch and Vic, Patrick was on the other side of Belch not even glancing my way. Just how I like it. I was brought out of my thoughts when Vic asked me, "what's got you in such a good mood? Huh?" I looked down and gathered my things out of my bag, "oh, uh, nothing" I shook my head. "Mhm nothing doesn't make you grin like a possum and turn red as a tomato, Kate" I turned to Belch who had his arms crossed and his eyes squinted. "So how do you like Maddy?" That automatically made him change his mood. "Oh um, your friend is, really nice, and interesting. She told me about her grandfather that has a '61 chevelle. So nice. After you went outside with Henry she talked my head off about cars, then I walked her to class. I hope you don't mind, she was going to wait for you but you were nowhere to be found so I offered."

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