Danny's Diner

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Kates POV

  I sprinted from school to the diner to get the right at 4:45. I ran in the kitchen to find my grandma, she was in there talking to one on the cooks as she helped make dishes. "Hey grandma I'm sorry I'm late" she looked up at me and smiled, "oh honey don't worry about it, how was tutoring?" She motioned for me to walk with her as she done things around he kitchen. "It was good, I feel like I'm making a bit of progress already with him" I said leaning against the counter. "That's great sweetie, so are you ready for your first day?" I nodded and followed her to her office.

  "Okay well here is you'll need, I already made your name tag out, you don't have to wear a uniform, but here is an apron" she said tying it around me "straws in this pocket, and your pen and notepad in this one, and I'll show you what to do, come on" she lead me around the diner showing me what to do, I have to admit it wasn't as easy as I thought. She helped me with the first couple clientele and then sent me on way to do it on my own.

She watched me from behind the counter, my grandma always watched me proudly, anything I done she was proud. It made me happy she done that, it boosted my confidence, and made me feel like I was doing something right. My parents never looked at me like that. My first customer was an old couple, reminded me of my grandparents. "Hi Welcome to Danny's, my name is Kate I'll be your waitress this evening, what can I get you drink?" I spoke in a timid voice. "I'll have a glass of sweet tea dear, and can I get a lemon wedge on the side?" The elderly woman smiled, "sure thing! And for you sir?" "I'll just have a coffee, black please." "Okay, I'll be back with your drinks!" I walked back to the counter and started making a cup of coffee and tea.

I heard the door bell ring and I looked behind me. I smiled soon as I saw it was Maddy. "Hey you made it!" I waved. "Yeah, took me a bit to find it, I also go distracted a bit." She sat down on a stool at the counter. "Oh really? What of?" She twirled her hair and watched me put a lemon wedge of the glass of tea. "Um... well... your brother" She sheepishly said. I laughed "hold on just a minute, I'll be right back and you can tell me how your first day was". I walked back over to the elderly couple, "here you guys go, you ready to order now?" I smiled. I wrote down everything on my pad and took it to the kitchen window. "You want anything to drink or eat Maddy?" I asked handing her a menu and picking up plate and took them to the back.

"Yeah, I'll have a cherry cola and an order of fries please." "Okie dokie, so how was your day?" I said fixing her drink and waiting for her fries. "It was different. Not like back home. My science class is really cool, we watched bacteria grow under the microscope" she acted out everything she done, "sounds fun" "oh it was, until this one girl started making fun of my accent and messed my Petri dish up, like she totally ruined it!" I knew who exactly she was talking about, "Gretta, yeah she makes fun of everyone sounds like." I rolled my eyes and got her freshly made fries. "Yeah that's her! I had a great first day besides having to put up with that bloody cow" I snorted at her remark.

As I took tables and cleaned counters Maddy and I talked. "So tell me about how you were stalking my brother?" I grinned popping a fry in my mouth. "I was not stalking! I was walking around town and I saw him getting in his car with those two other guys, the bleach blonde and the tall dark haired on, what were their names again?" "Vic and Patrick" "Yeah, the mullet haired one was with you?" She squinted and pointed. "I had to tutor him today. Oh you're still coming over Saturday right?" She nodded and we heard the doorbell ring, we both turned to see the infamous Bowers gang. "Don't look now, but there's your brother and friends" she smirked. "Haha, don't look now but there's your crush" I grinned back. "Oh hush!" She whispered.

My grandma came from the back, "oh honey there's your bro-" "grandma, no no, remember, Reg doesn't want his friends to know about me" I quickly cut her off. "Oh that's right, why is that again?" "Cause they're turds, I'll get their table. Oh grandma this is my new friend Maddy, she's new to Derry, she started school today."

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