The Aftermath

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Kate's POV

  We all piled back up into Belch's car and rushed to the hospital. In the backseat was Victor, Henry, and I. Patrick was nowhere to be found so we didn't bother fetching him. I kept Henry's leg propped up in my lap so he wouldn't put pressure on it, sharp pains shot through my own body each time we hit a bump or a pothole. When we arrived at the hospital I helped Henry out and helped him walk inside the emergency room. They took Henry and I both back and told the others to wait while they checked us out. They put an oxygen mask on the both of us, due to the smoke from the fire and coughing. They checked the rest of our bodies for cuts, burns, or broken bones, unfortunately I had a gash on my back, but they quickly cleaned and stitched it up. I turned to Henry to see if he was alright, he just looked at me and smiled. He risked his life for mine, and I feel terrible for how I have been, even though he kind of deserved it.

  "Henry..." I said wheezing, "I'm so sorry I put you through all this." I looked down. "Don't be, its not your fault. I'm just glad you're okay." He reassured me. "I'm sorry for everything, Henry. For the way I've acted the past week. I'm so sorry. I was upset, I was so mad at you. I couldn't believe that you'd do that. You were so mean to me, you teased me and chased me, and we're going to cut me. You weren't the same person as to when we first met, it hurt me to see you turn into someone that everyone made you out to be. I mean everyone warned me about you. I didn't want to believe them, I wanted to see the good in you, and I did for a while. I still do. You may be a bully and an asshole, but you're my friend. The first friend I made when I started school. No one would talk to me. But you did, the bully was the first one to be this nobody's friend." He scooted closer to me and wrapped his arm around my waist. I laid my head down on his shoulder and sighed. "You weren't a nobody to me. You were the first person to not see me as just he school bully, but as a normal person. And the more I got to know you the more I learned we weren't so different, that you've been through just as much as I have. I'm sorry I put you through so much shit. I screwed everything up, I should've listened to you when you tried to tell me." He rested his head on top of mine. "No it's my fault, I should've told you sooner. I just didn't wanted everyone to see me as Belch Huggins little sister. I would've never heard the end of it from you guys. I probably won't hear the end of it now from everyone else though." He giggled, "listen if anyone gives you shit, come tell me. I'll handle it. I'll kick them in the throat with my good leg." I smiled up at him, "thank you, Henry".

  The doctor came back in to give us the news about Henry's leg, "Well the good news is, it's not broken. Bad news, it is fractured and you'll have to wear a brace for a while." He nodded. "You're a lucky girl, Miss Huggins. There's no telling what could've happened to you if your boyfriend here hadn't have came to your rescue." I didn't comment on the boyfriend thing, I'd love for him to be, but for now I'm just glad to have the old Henry back. "Yeah, I am pretty lucky." I looked to Henry as I spoke. "Okay, we'll just put the brace on and you two will be ready to go." the doctor said as he fixed henry up.

They released us, I helped Henry as we returned to the waiting room to see Belch, Maddy, and Victor worried. "We're fine, guys." I reassured. "I thought you were going to die!" Maddy threw her arms around me. "Careful Mads. I'm a bit beat up." I rested my head on her. "Oh my god I'm sorry!" She quickly pulled back. "I was worried about you two." Belch spoke as he hugged me. "You worried about me too?" Henry said confused. "Listen Bowers, I can't stand what you done to my sister. But you did risk your life tonight to save her. Thank you." "I'd do it all over if I had to." Henry smiled down at me. "Yeah you guys really scared me... luckily I brought gifts. A giraffe and a uh elephant." Vic chuckled. "Yeah the gifts we won." I said taking them and handing Henry his elephant. "But this is yours..." Henry pouted. "I want you to have it." I shyly whispered.

We walked back to Belch's car and got in. I rested my head on Henry as his arm snakes over my shoulders. We took Henry home first, I got out as he did. "You know, even though we almost died. I had a great time tonight..... with you...." I awkwardly stood there. "I had a great time with you too, Kate. Most fun I've had in I couldn't tell you how long, all because of you." My face turned red from his words. "Well I better hobble in there and explain this." He pointed to his leg. "Yeah, see you around, Henry." I smiled. "See ya, Kate." He hesitated to say. "Um Kate?" I turned back around to face him. He quickly walked over to me and planted a gentle kiss on my cheek. "Goodnight" he smirked. "Oh- uh- yeah. G-Goodnight, Henry." I barely managed to get out. I walked back to Belch's car, face red, feeling like an idiot for stuttering, and butterflies in my stomach.

"Ooh, Kate got smooches!" Victor teased. "Shut up Vic." I punched his arm lightly. After leaving Henry's we took Maddy home. Belch walked her to the front door and she stood there fiddling with her key. Belch looked over to the car and I motioned for him to kiss her. As Maddy began to unlock to door he grabbed her waist and kissed her with the most passion I've ever seen come from the boy. Victor and I began too wolf whistle and make jokes. After that we dropped Victor off and we went home, explaining to our grandparents what happened. I walked upstairs and changed into something comfortable and drifted off to sleep thinking about Henry and the kiss he placed ever so sweetly on my cheek. Does this mean he likes me more than a friend? Oh god, please, please, please!!!


A/n- short chapter, sorry for the long wait. I've been so busy with family events, and super depressed because my boyfriend moved 4 hours away for a new job. And I finally got to see him yesterday, he came back home to see me, so we spent the day together. But enough about me. So I decided to split this chapter and the next up, I have something planned for it. How do you guys like this short ass, unedited (cause I'm lazy) chapter? It's kinda shitty. If you like it drop a comment and maybe, possibly vote too. Thanks. Lots of love 🖤🖤🖤 btw if you guys have a better name for this chapter PLEASE tell me them, I really didn't know what to call this. So if you have a better chapter name comment it!

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