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Kate's POV

  The week was hell for me, Tuesday Henry told Belch about "his little slut" and "how she played them both". He took it the wrong way, Belch now thinks he's talking about Maddy. Belch won't talk to her, and I explained why. She's stuck by my side the entire time. I didn't want to tell Belch about Henry's constant bullying. I wait for him after school for tutoring, he didn't show Tuesday or Thursday. Apparently Henry and Patrick are best friends again, the two both never stop picking on me. I'd come home with a new bruise or cut everyday. Victor thinks I should tell Belch, but I don't want to cause him trouble. Now it's finally Friday and I'm working for my nan, she still hasn't found someone to fill the spot. I don't mind helping though. It gets my mind away from Henry.

  She'd worry and ask me what happened at school when she say the bruises and cuts. I'd lie and tell her it happened in while in science, or I ran into someone's open locker in the hallways, a new excuse everyday this week. Honestly I thought today was going to be easy, Henry nor Patrick could be bothered to mess with me today. I didn't run into them, they didn't follow me, nothing. Easy right? Wrong. As soon as I thought I was off the hook, four familiar faces came into the diner. Since nan was short today, I HAD to take their table. I slowly walked to them, "c-can I help you?" My voice was shaky, afraid of what might happen.

They were all quiet for moment until Belch was the first to speak. " yeah can I get a Dr Pepper and burger and some fries thanks" I nodded and wrote it down, Vic the same. I could feel Henry glaring at me. I stood there and took each of their orders, I felt so uncomfortable and embarrassed. "Make sure you give me extra onions with that, m'kay sweetheart." Patrick said licking his lips "Okay.... what can I get you Henry?" I said never looking him in the eyes. "Stir fry with the pasta..... EXTRA dressing" I nodded and quickly came back with all their drinks.

"You're food will be ready in a bit" I quickly sat their drinks down and walked back behind the counter. I could feel sweat beads building up on the back of my neck. I've never felt so anxious. I cleaned counters to distract myself but I knew Henry was still watching and it just made me even more nervous. "Kate! Your order is done!" I heard the cook say. I walked over to he kitchen window and grabbed the large tray. I walked over to the group of misfits and handed them each their plate. Patrick making sure his hand glided against mine just made everything more uncomfortable.

"Here's your extra dressing...." I spoke quietly as I handed him the bottle. "I'll be over here if you guys need anything." I walked back behind he counter and grabbed a drink of water. I looked over to see Henry pouring the ENTIRE bottle of dressing over his food. I rested for a second, as I had been busting my ass all evening, the diner was packed, noisy, and absolutely hot. "Kate!" I looked over to see Henry looking at me with a dissatisfied look. "Can you come here for a minute?" He furrowed his brows and pursed his lips. I walk around to the table, "is there a problem?" "What the fuck is this?!" He scolded. "That's what you ordered...." "yeah well it's fucking disgusting." He snapped. "I'm sorry, I can take it back and bring you something else." I offered with a worried look. "Nah I have a better idea."

He stood up grabbing the plate, looking down at my small frame, then proceeded to sling the entire plate of food on me. I was absolutely mortified, standing there humiliated covered in pasta, dressing and mixed in meat and vegetables. What wasn't in my hair, was on my shirt. "That's what you get for playing me of all people you little fucking slut!" He grabbed his coke and poured it over me as well. "Mess with me again bitch!" I felt tears welling up in my eyes. He quickly grabbed the ketchup and mustard bottles and squirted them at me. I held my arms up in defense as I wept. "Henry that ENOUGH!" Belch said standing up and slamming his hands down on the table. "Cmon Belch this fucking cunt played both of us! She's a slut and the whole town deserves to know it!" "I SAID THAT IS FUCKIG ENOUGH!" Belch yelled back. I ran out of the diner crying as Henry and Patrick laughed. I ran to the end of the street and sat crying on the curb. Why me? I never done anything and yet all I get is bullshit.

Secret Us-Henry BowersDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora