You're My Hero

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Kate's POV

The next morning I woke up to a pain in my back and thumping in my head. I slowly got up and made my way downstairs, for some reason the thumping in my head was getting louder. Only to realize it's not me, Belch was outside still working on that car. I went to the kitchen and asked my grandma if she could give me something for pain and change the bandage on my back. It did not hurt this bad last night. Or maybe it did and I was just too hyped up from adrenaline. My grandma helped me and tried to make me feel better, I know she was concerned for me, but honestly the only thing I was concerned about was Henry. I decided I'd go over to his house to check on him today, I hope his dad wasn't too rough on him. I hurried upstairs and showered, I put on a loose white tee and acid washed jean overalls, I cut the legs off back in the summer because of the damn heat. I tied my hair up in a ponytail, threw on light makeup, and my white converse.

I jogged back downstairs, and out the door. Belch stopped me halfway down the driveway, "Hey bug, where are you heading off to?" He rose up from under the car, "Oh I was just gonna head over to Henry's and check on him, is that cool?" I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, yeah. Just be careful, okay?" "I will." "and if he tries anything kick his ass! Then tell me so I can kick his ass!" he yelled as I made my way down the road. "Got it!" I yelled back.

Henry's house wasn't far, but the closer I got the more nervous I got. I saw a sunflower on the way a picked it for him, guys like flowers don't they? Of course they don't, Kate! But he gave me sunflowers the first time we hung out, so maybe he'll appreciate them. Oh god I hope his dad isn't home. What if he's there? What if they're fighting when I get there? What if they see me and kill me?!... The silly thoughts ran through my mind. Before I realized it I was walking up Henry's dirt driveway. I check around and I didn't see his dad's cop car around. I hesitantly walked up his front porch and knocked on the door, a couple seconds later I heard someone yell "I'm coming! Just a minute!" I knew it was Henry's voice, plus the brace on his foot made a big thud with each step. I fidgeted with the flower until he opened the door.

"Kate? Hey, what are you doing here?" He asked surprised as he opened the door up. "I-uh, um t-this is for you." I extended the arm with the flower, I looked away from him, too embarrassed to meet his gaze. "I-I know it's just a dumb flower, um but I uh I don't know" I stood there with my head down lost for words, "Well, well. Looks like someone's getting a bit tongue tied around me." He teased, "W-What?! I am not!" he chuckled as he watched my face turn beet red, "Thank you, Kate. Come on in." He held the door open for me and took the flower from my hand. I looked around at the old rustic looking house, typical mans house, not a single bit of a woman's touch. "Uh you want something to drink?" he stood with all his pressure on his left leg. "No thanks...." it was silent for a moment, "how's your leg?" I pointed. "Um it's a bit sore, but nothing I can't handle." I nodded, knowing what he meant. "D-Did your dad say anything?" I worriedly asked. He shook his head, "No, honestly I don't know if he even noticed, or just didn't care. Either way, I actually got to come home and get some rest without having to hear him bitch." I smiled, "That's... good."

He cleared his throat, "Um do you wanna come upstairs to my room maybe?" I looked at him wide eyed, "Oh I realize that sounded kind of bad, I didn't mean that, I just thought you'd want to hang out. Unless you have to go, or don't want to I understand, or um I don't know, please say something so I can't stop rambling" He let out a nervous chuckle, I giggled from how he gets when he's around me. "Yeah, I'd like to see your room." He took my hand and led the way to the stairs, he let go of my hand to hobble up each step. I noticed his struggling so I slipped under his arm and helped hold him up so he wouldn't fall. "Thank you." He stopped and smiled. Once we got to the top of the stairs he guided me to his room. I looked around at all his things, knives, even a couple on the walls hanging, records, trophies, posters, the plush elephant from the fair, and a stolen speed limit sign. Everything was interesting, not like my brothers room. Henry had a lot of cool things, he could probably tell a story with each item. I noticed a cream on his bedside, for cuts and burns. I looked over at Henry who was standing awkwardly watching me, "What?" I smiled, "Nothing, you just look really pretty today. Not that you don't every other day, I just mean its good to have you back and be able to admire you! Not that you were mine, I just... Oh god shut up, Henry." He hid his face with his hand. I walked over to him and snaked my arms around the buff tall boy. I rested my head against his chest, I felt him tense up and look down at me. "Its nice having you back too." He gently embraced me and rested his head on top of mine, "You smell good, like always." He hummed softly into my hair, "You do too, like always."

"Henry?" I spoke once more, my voice becoming fragile, "Yes?" He loosened his grip so he could look me in the eyes. "Thank you, for saving my life, I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't come to my rescue." "It's no big deal, really. I just kind of done it without even thinking, like instinct." "I'm so sorry for the way I've acted towards you, even after all that you came to my rescue." He shook his head, "No, no. Don't be sorry, it's all my fault. I deserved way worse honestly. I was a jerk, words can't express how sorry I am. I should've just listened to you and not assumed things." I sighed, "I should've just told you from the beginning, it wasn't fair of me to keep secrets from you." "How about we just put it behind us? Okay?" He said as he played with strands of my hair from my ponytail. "Yeah" I looked up into his beautiful blue eyes. Oh how I wanted him to just kiss me already. But alas that didn't happen.

Henry's POV

  "D-Did you have a nice time last night?" I pondered. "I did, and you?" "It was great, but it was even better cause I spent it with you." "Oh the guys weren't any fun?" She turned and walked around my room some more, fiddling with a few things. "Yeah... it's just they aren't as pretty as you, or smell as nice as you, or as friendly." She looked with flushed cheeks, "And?" Her gaze met mine, "and I can be myself around you, I feel free, and not pressured to be the bad guy all the time." "You shouldn't have to feed pressured around anyone, you don't have to be the bad guy, Henry. It's okay to be yourself around more people besides me." She reassured me. "I know, I just don't want to be seen as weak, and when I'm at school, I just get so angry, but when I see you.... when I see you it all goes away....." I said paused. "I'm sorry, I should shut up. I'm being weird, I don't want you to be weirded out." "Henry, it's fine, it's actually nice to hear those things. I've always felt like I was the one who needed protecting, but it's nice to feel like I'm protecting something, someone, precious to me. Like I'm the hero. To be wanted. To make others feel like it's all okay as soon as they see me, and hope I make their day better. To not feel alone, and be around someone who's been in the same situation as myself." She stopped and looked to her feet. "And who is it you're protecting?" I took a step closer towards her, curious and anxious. She hesitantly looked up at me. I was looking at the floor this time. "You." I looked up at her and got closer, shocked and excited. "Me?" She nodded, "why would you protect me?" "Because, I know you'd do the same...." She shyly smiled ever so sweetly.

  "You make my day 100 times better when I see you, and I hope that when you see me, you feel the same." I rubbed her arm, "You make my days better too, even when you were a jerk, I couldn't help but still hope to see you, even if it was to piss you off or ignore you" we shared a small laugh, "You're my hero, and every hero needs a villain to change for the better. " I shook my head, "but that's the thing Henry. You're not the villain, because you're my hero too." I embraced her in a hug, as a silent thank you. I kissed the top of her head, "I try to be." She squeezed me tighter, my heart was pounding out of my chest. But her touch made me feel safe, "No need to try and be something you already are." I relaxed and let out a little sigh.

  I spent the day with Kate at my house, until it was time fore her to go home. It was always fun when she was around. We laughed, and played around, but we also had some serious conversations, I lied in her lap while she ran her fingers through my hair. It was like a calming sense. It was easy to tell her everything, I could just be myself and let loose around her. I'm happy to have met her, I just wish we'd met sooner.


A/n– Hello my fellow readers, it's been quite some time since I've updated. I've been busy, I've started babysitting a lot, hanging out with friends. Trying to take time and focus on myself really, which is something I've been working on for a while. Self care is the most important care. If you can't take care of yourself and love yourself, then it's just really hard to be happy. I was going to update about two weeks ago, but my birthday was around that time, turned 19, which is not as exciting as it seems. Anyways, enjoy this small update. Hopefully I'll start updating more often like I use to. Also I'm hoping to start a new book/ story, whatever you wanna call it, but not IT or Bowers Gang related. Any Harry Potter fans out there? Yeahhhh thinking of writing a Harry Potter book.

Love you guys, please vote and drop a comment of what you think. 🖤

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