A/n break...

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I'm so sorry to do this to you guys, but I will be taking a break from writing for a couple weeks. Life is really hard right now. In my last chapter I apologized for not updating in a while, it was because I had recently just had a death in my family. Well now I'll be taking a short break, a couple days ago I had another death, my grandma. My grandma was the sweetest, she suffered from dementia for about 3-4 years now. By the end of it all she had completely forgotten who I even was, and it is one of the hardest things to go through. To sit by your loved ones side hoping everything will be okay, knowing their time is coming to an end, and for them to turn to you and ask "I'm sorry, what's your name again?" Or "who are you?". The only thing you can do is say, "someone who loves you very much, grandma". It has been a rough go around. I'm not an emotional person, and I don't think I have ever cried this much, and hurt this much in my life. This is the most painful thing I've felt. No heartbreak could ever compare to losing her. I know I was never my grandma's favorite grandkid, probably cause I'm a little shit, but by the time I was old enough to understand everything, she slowly started to fade away from me....

Anyways I'll be taking a couple weeks off from writing. I felt like I needed to share this with you so you will not be wondering why I'm not updating. Thanks for understanding. 🖤

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