Bowers Tutor Pt. 2

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Kate's POV

After first, I had Henry on my mind. He's the biggest bully in Derry, why is he being nice to me? He's actually not that bad, maybe to everyone else, I personally think he's just misunderstood. I quickly went to my locker and pulled out my schedule to see what I had next, two days and I still have to look at it so I don't get lost. I check to see what class was next, it was geography. Why did I sign up for two history classes?

Out of the corner of my eye I spotted a girl who looked just as lost as I am. I didn't see her around yesterday. Maybe she's new here too? The girl had long, dusty blonde hair and light green eyes. She looks like a nice person... Maybe I could get to know her and be friends? She seems a bit lonely. The girl was standing next to her locker, which was only just a few meters from my own. She was searching through her bag, desperately trying to find something. Her bag slipped out of her hands and fell to the ground, causing all her pens and notebooks to spread across the white tiled floor.  "Oh shit..." She muttered to herself as she got on her knees to pick the up. I quickly walked over to where she was kneeled down, a bent down next to her and began helping her pick up her belongings. I handed them to her with a smile on my face. "Here." She smiled at me and then whispered a soft, "thanks."

After we gathered up all her things we both stood up, "I'm Kate," I reach my hand out towards her and she stuck her own own shaking mine, "I'm Maddy." She spoke in a weird posh accent. "Are you new here?" I smiled as we let go of each others hands, she quickly zipped up her bag. "Yeah... I just moved here from England." Wow, England? Really? As I was about to speak the bell rang for next period. I nodded, "Anyway, see you around!" I quickly jogged to my next lesson which thankfully was on this floor. "Okay!" She called after me as I ran into my class. At the back of the class sat the red head girl that Gretta picked on, Beverly is her name. Then there was that one stuttering kid, Phil? Will? No, Bill! That's it, Bill. Last but not least, the trash mouth I saved earlier, Richie.  They're all younger than me, but they're taking Honors Geography, as am I. I walked in the back next to them, there being an empty seat and all.

  "Is this seat taken?" I asked Richie, who took off his glasses, wiped them clean and put them back on, "no". I nodded and quickly sat down next him. "Kate, right?" He tilted his head, "uh, yeah." I said as I heard a loud back from the front of the classroom. Oh shit, not again. Patrick and Victor strutted into the class, the teacher glared at them, "Late again I see, Mr. Hockstetter and Mr. Criss?" Patrick gave the teacher a dirty looked and scoffed as he sat down a few desks across from mine.

The teacher rolled his eyes and then stood up next to the chalkboard. He quickly got a piece of chalk, and started to write Patrick and Victor's names on the board. Patrick laughed, and leaned back, letting a creepy smile slide onto his face as he rested his gaze onto me.What was his problem? His creepy gaze made me feel uneasy. I quickly turned to Richie, who was smiling at me too. But instead, his smile was more warm and gentle. "Thanks for saving me from the mullet." I let out a giggle. Richie had a way of making people laugh. "It's fine, just stay away from him and he won't bother you." Richie nodded, "If only it was that easy. He's literally everywhere!" "Silence, Mr Tozier, and Ms Huggins." The teacher snapped, writing our names onto the board.

"I didn't even do anything!" Richie protested. I smiled at him for a few moments before the teacher replied, "so what were you talking about then?" Richie's face turned red, and he stood up. "The work!" The teacher raised an eyebrow at him before coughing. "What was I just talking about?" Richie quickly looked around the room, before answering, "Y-you were talking about.." There was a pause as Richie tried to think of what the teacher could have just said. "Geography." The teacher gave him an angry look before shouting, "that's a detention, Mr Tozier." What? All he did was talk! I looked at him as he slumped down back into his chair. "Okay." He growled.

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