Chapter 7: Ultron's Anger Issues

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Amelia's first words to Ultron when she woke up were strings of curse words and threats, her promising that she'd see to it he die, and all this came from him killing Brent. But, having cried more tears than anyone should, when her mother died, this hurt quickly turned to anger. 

Even so, Ultron found her infuriating, he could definitely see Tony Stark in the blonde, which made him easily lose his temper on her.

So, now adding to the dried blood on the side of her face, and stinging wound on her forehead, she had a bruise on her left cheek, along with a split lip. And she had already tried using her power to teleport but the wound on her head, which probably meant she had a concussion, made it so she couldn't. And she quickly decided not to show them her powers, scared of what they'd do. 

Still, this didn't stop her. 

Even when Ultron and the twins were out killing Strucker and a few other things, she managed to annoy Ultron's "harmony" bots. Which earned her a gag around her mouth, and tighter ropes holding her wrists together, along with losing the chair and having to be tied to the wall and sit on the dirty and cold ground.

But even though Amelia was terrified, she didn't show it, not until Ultron had gotten so annoyed that he decided she not leave the Twins' side, keeping her a moving prisoner now, as they went out to threaten some guy to give them the last of the Vibranium.

So, Amelia was forced to go along with the Twins and Ultron to Ulysses Klaue's Salvage Yard on the African coast.

It was honestly the first time the Maximoff twins had seen the young girl so quiet and still conscious, and they knew it wasn't because of the cloth in her mouth, and her hands still being tied behind her back.

It was because the 14-year-old was genuinely scared. That, and they didn't know that she was trying to focus her shaky hands to get out of the rope around them. Which only earned her searing burning pain from the bad rope burns, but she didn't stop as the twins led her into Ulysses' office.

After the lights go out, all the work men began freaking out, as Ulysses looked at the gun on his desk. But even Amelia, who was hiding in the shadows with the twins, knew that wasn't gonna work.

And that was proven when he picked up the gun, only for Pietro to use his speed and take the gun from the man, placing it back on the desk as well as having the bullets out and in a line next to the gun.

Ulysses turns around to face Pietro and Wanda, as she came in, leading the blonde girl in as well. Maybe even to use the beaten girl to intimidate the man, but it didn't work. He laughs, "Yeah. The enhanced." He had a strong accent, like the twins, but not the same as them. "Strucker's prized pupils."

Ulysses Klaue picks up a candy dish from his desk, as he sits in the chair, and holds it out for the three. "Want a candy?" None of them move so he places it back down. "Oh, I was sorry to hear about Strucker. But then, he knew what kind of world he was helping create. Human life, not a growth market.

Amelia had no idea what he was talking about, and by the looks the twins sent each other, they didn't either.

"You... you didn't know?" Ulysses almost seemed amused. "Is this your first time intimidating someone?" He glances at the blonde girl, almost smirking, seeing that she was about to get out of the ropes that tied er hands behind her back. "I'm afraid I'm not that afraid."

"Everybody's afraid of something." Wanda steps more into the room, giving the man a hard look. He suddenly points at her nodding, "Cuttlefish." Amelia would have smiled in amusement, if the stupid cloth wasn't already rubbing the corners of her mouth raw.

"Deep sea fish. They make lights. disco lights. Whoom, whoom, whoom!" The Blake girl honestly thought this man was crazy. "to hypnotize their prey, then- whoom! I saw a documentary, it was terrifying."

Pietro speeds over to the desk, grabbing a candy and startling Klaue a bit, but then he goes back to his sister, unwrapping the candy with a shrug.

The man quickly shakes it off before looking at the dark haired girl while standing up. "So if you're going to fiddle with my brain, and make me see a giant cuttlefish, then I know you don't do business, and I know you're not in charge, and I only deal with the man in charge." Amelia jumped when Ultron smashes through the window, grabs Ulysses, and shoves him through the door leading them into the hallway.

"There is no man in charge. Let's talk business."

The twins quickly followed them, forgetting the blonde for a second, which she used to her advantage.

She quickly bent down, then jumped, bringing her knees to her chest while swinging her arms under her legs quickly, so that her tied hands were now in front of her. Amelia quickly began looking around for anything to use, after pull the tied cloth down so that it rested around her neck.

She then spots a water cup, after not seeing anything sharp, and move over to it. Praying this worked, she had just managed to dump the water on the rope when there was a whoosh. She whirled around to see Pietro smirking at her with a raised eyebrow, "Didn't see that coming?"

Mia rolled her eyes as he grabbed her arm and sped her back to the group. And as Ultron spoke to Ulysses, who'd shown and given him the vibranium, Amelia focused on the ropes. Okay, she knew that she can control water and move it, but can she control the temperature of it?

The answer was yes, when she felt the ropes begin heating up.

She only managed to hear Ultron say, "But I always say, 'Keep your friends rich and your enemies rich, and wait to find out which is which'."

Ulysses and his man looks up at Ultron. "Stark."

"What?" Ultron looks down at him, and Ulysses gives him a look, "Tony Stark used to say that... to me. You're one of his."

"What?! I'm not..!" Amelia jumps again, when Ultron grabs him by the arm, obviously pissed and offended. Wanda had to quickly use her telekinesis to keep Kluae's man from pulling his gun on them. "I'm not. You think I'm one of Stark's puppets, his hollow men? I mean look at me, do I look like Iron Man? Stark is nothing!" 

And from his anger, Ultron chops Ulysses arm off, causing Amelia to scream in fear as her hand quickly go to her mouth. 

"I'm sorry. I am sor... Ooh, I'm sure that's going to be okay. I'm sorry, it's just I don't understand. Don't compare me with Stark!" He then kicks Ulysses down the stairs, his man quickly running after him. "It's a thing with me. Stark is- he's a sickness!"

"Ahh, Junior," The said man's voices caught all their attention, "You're gonna break your old man's heart."

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