Chapter 21: Just Listen

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Amelia didn't know when, but she had lost consciousness at some point. And when she woke up, she found herself in the familiar bed in the the medical hospital wing of the Avengers Compound in Upstate New York.

The dusty blonde had woken up feeling almost in slow motion. She had taken about a minute just to force her eyelids open, before she had to blink a couple times just to clear up the blurriness. Her body ached and her mind was reacting slower than usual, causing her state of mind to be just confusion. 

But then she remembered everything that had happened, causing the girl to shoot up in the bed as her eyes widened and her heart began racing. But from the sudden movement, there were two slight pains that came with tugs on both her wrists, and when Mia looked down, she realized that it was because she was handcuffed to the bed. 

And that's when the confused panic shifted into anger. 

The slight surge of anger caused Amelia's hands to turn into tight fists and her eyes changed into the vibrant blue, and then blue particles surrounded her hands only long enough as she yank her arms towards her which caused the handcuffs to break. 

The blonde then ripped off the wires that were connected to her arms, not really caring if she shouldn't be doing this because she was definitely in no shape for it, but she wasn't really worrying about that right now. 

She got to her feet, wobbling a bit, before trying to shake it off and moved over to the clothes that were folded up on the table, and were also the same ones she had worn at the airport (just excluding her mask). Which also meant that she finally realized that she was in a hospital gown. Mia grabbed the clothes and changed, noting some injuries that were new. And after pulling on the combat boots, she was about to leave but paused after catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror. 

She looked... bad, to say the least. But, oddly enough, it also made her look tougher compared to her usual innocent look. 

Adding onto the injuries she had before the airport, Mia now had a bandaged torso because of bruised and broken ribs. She had bruises and scrapes here and there, some even from pavement burns. Her burned shoulder was worse now, which kinda made Mia realize why it won't go away. Her knuckles were split and bruised, and her palms her scraped up, as well as both her elbows. And along with the re-scabbed split lip, she now had a scrape on the side of her nose. And the bruise on her forehead honestly probably wasn't the cause of the concussion she already knew she had. 

But out of everything, the biggest thing, which definitely looked better than when it happened, was the four slices across her cheek, from Black Panther's claws, one of the slices barely even missing her eye. There were a couple small bandages on them, but she was guessing that they were just above the deepness that she hadn't needed stitches (although, there was some light bruises around them probably from the force he had used). And she was really hoping that there wasn't gonna be scarring.

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