Chapter 9: Subject B-1

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To say that Mia was in trouble when she got back to the Tower, was an understatement.

Not only because she was out way late, but because she was obviously still seriously injured. And the fact that Tony saw the News, which had said that the Blue Canary was spotted before the explosion, but not after, didn't help. Apparently everyone had been trying to get ahold of the blonde after that, but she didn't have her phone, and she had turned off the tracker in her suit the first time she went out without anyone knowing.

She also ended up having to stay home from school so she could go to the Avengers Facility in upstate New York, which had a better med area. So, while she got checked on by doctors, Tony actually did lecture her. And for the first time, he was completely serious about the whole grounded thing, so she couldn't argue.

And after they had gotten back to the Tower the next morning, which was Saturday, Tony took her suit and told her that she wasn't to leave the Tower alone anymore, except for school. And after school, she was to come straight home. 

The young blonde decided not to argue, already feeling guilty about the scare she put everyone through. But when he sent her to her room, she was a bit pissed and completely annoyed. So, that ended with a stomping Mia and slamming door, and a grumbling Tony who had went over to the liquor bar.

Mia had locked her door, before letting out a sigh and moving over to her desk, opening the first drawer. Luckily, she had managed to grab the flash drive before Tony had taken the suit.

So, grabbing her laptop, the young girl sat on her bed and plugged the drive into her computer.

When she opened the drive, the first thing that she noticed was that everything on it was encrypted. Which meant she was gonna have to take longer trying to decrypt it. Which meant that this was gonna take way longer than she wanted, but at least she had the entire weekend to be held up in her room.

And while she was working on that, she was completely oblivious about the conversation going on in the living room between Tony and Steve.

"You're kidding, right? I'm just gonna assume you're kidding." Tony shook his head, and Steve gave him a look. "She's a good kid, Tony. You can't exactly lock her in her room-"

"Watch me." Was the billionaire's response, causing the super soldier to give him a look. "Do you really think that's gonna stop her?"

No response, so Steve sighed. "I'm just saying, maybe if you let her go out, at least once, on a mission, then maybe she'd stop putting herself in danger. If she went out on a mission with the team, we'd be able to keep her out of immediate danger, and keep an eye on her in general."

"No." Tony said, almost sounding like a child putting his foot down, but then he sighed. "It's too dangerous."

"More dangerous than her going out like this?" Steve shot back, "She could've gotten killed and no one would've known, and I get how much that scares you, but we both know that keeping her in the Tower isn't gonna work. She's a smart and brave kid. She'll find out a way to get out and help people."

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