Chapter 10: Tony Stark Is Her Father

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The young Blake girl didn't know how long she'd been gone, but when the sun begins setting, she figures she should make her way back.

Only, when she wiped the tears away and stood up, did something click in her mind. "Why me?" She had asked. Why did Ultron take her? But then again, who does Ultron hate the most in this world?

She quickly opened the watch on her wrist, which had a folded piece of paper behind the clock, and she quickly unfolded it.

Mia began rereading her mother's note, over and over again, finally putting together the pieces.

"...I've always did the things I thought would keep you safe, And the work your father does- it's dangerous... If he doesn't show up for you, then I'll take away the pain of you seeing him everywhere..."

Her lips parted in surprise, a delayed gasp leaving them as realization settled in. 

Tony Stark was her father.

✘ ✘ ✘

Amelia took the entire walk back, not teleporting or turning invisible, all the way back to the house. Still stunned by the revelation.

It had already began getting dark and Tony made his way out of the shed after talking to Nick Fury, and his eyes instantly landed on the 14-year-old, who seemed she was walking back from the woods. Clint had already talked to him earlier, definitely mentioning how stupid he was being, and told him if she found out on her own it'd be worse.

"You know," He made his way over to the girl, "It's dangerous being out by yourself."

"Yeah, well, I don't work well with others." She snapped, rolling her eyes at him. But when she tries to keep walking, he just steps in front of her. "Woah, what's with the attitude? Didn't you just become a teenager, I didn't think it happened this fast."

She glared up at him, before just moving around him with a bitter scoff, but slamming the paper against his chest. Tony looks down at it before turning to look at her, "What's this?"

She whirls around to face him, "That's the note my mother left me when she died." His face falls but he tries to play it off, "Why did-"

"God, Tony, I'm not an idiot!" She exclaims angrily, throwing her arms out dramatically. "You know, I lost hope that you'd show up months ago, so I don't really care. But, you've know this entire time, which is why Ultron took me, and I have been trying to figure out why. Why me? Why did he kidnap some random kid?" Her eyes were filled with tears, but they were more from anger then sadness, as she shakes her head. "But, you know what, I don't care. Because you're not my father, and I sure as hell am not your daughter."

And with that she stormed into the house, slamming the door and storming upstairs, shutting and locking the bedroom door behind her. The commotion outside had already semi gotten the Avengers' attention, but the angry teenager had gotten everyone's full attention. 

Clint and Laura exchanging looks, the only two that knew what probably happened, and the others just exchanging confused looks.

✘ ✘ ✘

Once Amelia slammed the door shut behind her, and locked it, she slid down it, trying to calm her breathing down. Pulling her knees up to her chest, she placed her elbows on them, putting her head in her hands as she tried to calm down. But it wasn't working as the tears stung her eyes.

So, as many thoughts clouded her mind, Amelia stood up, and squeezed her eyes shut as she paced trying to calm herself.

But even if it was the stupidest idea ever, Mia took out the phone she still had on her, and typed in a certain number before bringing the device to her ear. A couple seconds passed making her hold her breath, until a certain person answered. "Hello?"

Amelia squeezed her eyes shut, placing a shaky hand to her lips, not sure if it would even be safe to say anything. Especially with Ultron out there. And apparently Matt knew, "Lia, is this you? Amelia, please, if this is you, just let us know you're okay. Just come home, please. It wasn't your fault, okay? Brent is in the hospital, he's still hanging on, so please just come home."

But she knew better, a couple tears ran down her cheeks as a relieved breath left her throat, and she quickly hung up the phone. Tossing the phone onto the bed, Amelia wiped the tears from her eyes, one good thing finally happening. He's still alive... Brent was still alive.

And no matter how dumb this was, Amelia had to see for herself. So, looking around the room, she closed her eyes and focused, trying to take deep breaths. She focused on the house, the foster house, and her room. 

Mia felt a slight breeze, before she opened her eyes stumbling to the ground, the familiar warmth indicating that her nose was bleeding. But she just wiped it away, standing up while pushing away the dizziness, probably coming from teleporting that far, but at least she didn't faint.

Amelia quickly glanced around her room, before changing into dark skinny jeans, and putting on a dark blue hoody, zipping it up before taking her blonde hair out of the braid, and letting it down before pulling the hood up over her head.

Now this was the part that was difficult, there were many hospitals in the area, plus the area where they were attacked, so instead of concentrating on a place, she chose a person. She looked down at herself, watching as she became invisible, before closing her eyes and concentrating on June.

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