Chapter 16: You're Grounded, Remember?

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"Ultron knows we're coming. Odds are, we'll be riding into heavy fire. And that's what we signed up for." Steve spoke to the team, who were all in the Quinjet, and Mia glanced down. She'd barely managed to pull herself together after the knees about Brent, but now she was even more determined. 

"But the people of Sokovia, they didn't. So our priority is getting them out. All they want is to live their lives in peace. And that's not gonna happen today."

Amelia had teleported Wanda and herself into the city, allowing Wanda to use her ability and get people out of the city. But she couldn't help, now Amelia understood how she was able to get inside of Brent's head, and now she understood. It was only because he was close to death, and somehow she knew that her ability to do that, came from her dying and coming back to life.

"But we can do our best to protect them. And we can get the job done. We find out what Ultron's been building, we find Romanoff, and we clear the field."

"You alright?" Wanda spoke, causing Amelia to turn to her.

"Keep the fight between us."

Amelia nodded, "I will be. Once we destroy this murder bot."

"Ultron thinks we're monsters. That we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't about just beating him. It's about whether he's right."

Mia glanced around at the people and cars, gesturing towards the bridge, "Come on." She carefully moved through the crowd, leading people towards the bridge, but she also kept an eye out, knowing that Ultron would start the fight soon. 

And she wished she was wrong, but hearing screams, Mia whirled around and ran over, seeing Iron Legions coming from the ground. She quickly urged people to run, trying to get them away from the robots. 

But looking around, they began coming from everywhere. A few landed in front of her, but she almost smiled when she noticed that they were wet, probably had come from somewhere with water. She felt her eyes glow as she lifted up her hand, focusing and soon the four bots were frozen. Then she used her other ability to pick up an abandoned car and throw it at them, shattering the iron legions. 

Amelia turned around, looking around at the screaming people, and seeing the iron legions blowing things up and blasting at basically anything that moved.

Teleporting over, she quickly put up a forcefield, blocking the blast from hitting a group of people, before dropping the shield and using her ability to tear it into two. She then turned back to the group, "Get to shelter! Come on! Go!"

"Amelia, get to cover." The younger girl heard Tony's voice come through her comms, and she rolled her eyes, blocking another bot from killing someone. "Why?"

"Ultron's... pissed." Was the response, and she shook her head even if he couldn't see her. "He's been pissed. I'm not running and hiding because he hates you, which makes him hate me."

But being distracted, a Iron Legion had managed to come up behind her, blasting her. The girl flew in the air, hitting the wall hard and with a pained grunt, but she quickly sat up, sending a blast at it.

Standing up, she looked over, teleporting to the bridge and taking out a couple Legions that were cornering a couple people. She ran over to the people, "Run! Take shelter!" They quickly ran off the bridge and back into a city, but then a Legion came up from behind her, hitting her hard enough that she hit the side of the bridge hard, her head hitting first. As dizziness and a searing headache set in, she looked up, but when the Legion moved to attack her, Captain's shield took it out. 

Amelia barely managed to stand up before the ground started shaking violently, she stumbled a bit as the bridge split and barely managed to teleport a couple feet from the edge as Sokovia began rising. Putting a hand to her head, she could feel the blood, and almost rolled her eyes at the fact that the head injury messed with her ability to teleport. But she was too distracted by the fact that the bridge was crumbling a bit, and so were buildings as they went higher and higher. 

"Do you see the beauty of it?" Mia looked over at the Iron Legion that was hovering near her, before realizing that Ultron was using the legions around the city to speak. "The inevitability. You rise, only to fall."

Amelia's hands began shaking as she quickly looked over to Steve, seeing him looking over the edge as well. 

"You, Avengers, you are my meteor. My swift and terrible sword. And the earth with crack with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world... will be metal."

Steve quickly punches the Legion that had come up behind the two, and Amelia looks over, lifting up a hand as the blue particles emitted from it, and tossed the Captain back his shield. 

But suddenly a legion comes up from under them, knocking Steve back, but keeping a grip on Amelia. "Mia!" She heard Steve yell as the legion flew higher and higher, and even as Sokovia went up, the fall would be fatal. But scared of what it would do, her hand still went up, trying to get the thing's grip off her arm, but it was no use.

Suddenly Iron Man flew up, blasting at the thing, and Amelia's breath hitched as she felt the dropping feeling of her falling, but that barely lasted a second before Iron Man caught her. He quickly flew them back to the ground, letting go of Amelia and pointing at her. "You're grounded, remember? So, stay on the ground and get to cover."

Mia rolled her eyes, but felt herself nod as he flew off. Sure, she was gonna stay on the ground, but like she said before, she wasn't about to run and hide. 

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