Chapter 14: Warmer Than Jail

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The next day didn't help Mia's nerves at all. Not only was the school buzzing about the bombing the day before, but that stirred up more talk, especially about what happened in Lagos. There were so many debates happening around the school, that Mia actually began getting a headache. 

It also didn't help when she noticed Peter getting even more curious about her.

And it didn't help when basically the entire school saw her snap at Flash. The boy had been going on and on about how Wanda Maximoff and the Blue Canary should be locked up or something because of their powers, which caused a whole new argument between the entire cafeteria. But when he said something about Sokovia, she snapped. Jack and June actually had to drag her out of the lunch room to keep her from punching him.

The day just kept getting worse.

History class was the one she didn't have Jack or June in there with her, which were basically the only people able to partly calm her down all day. But she did have Peter in class with her. 

The two sat in the back as the class was dark, the teacher playing the News as students worked on missing assignments or projects. But in Mia's case, it was a chance for Peter to try to confront her without her having an escape.

"Mia, I know you're lying. You've been keeping secrets since you showed up beaten at the hospital last year- which you still haven't explained." He kept his voice low, almost at a whisper, as Mia shook her head. "Pete, seriously. There's really nothing going on. I- I got mugged."

Even for her it was an awful lie.

"Seriously? You're going with that?" Peter gave her a look, but before he could continue, their attentions got brought to the front- actually the entire class looked up front. Mia's stomach dropped at the Breaking News, which was that there was a fight in Bucharest. Between Captain America, Bucky, Sam, somebody dressed in a black cat suit, and the officials.

"Dammit Steve." Mia barely even muttered, not knowing Peter heard her. The News ended with them getting arrested, so Mia quickly gathered her things, and snuck out of the class since the teacher wasn't paying attention. 

But she barely made it to her locker before someone grabbed her arm. "Wha- What are you doing?"

"I've gotta go." Mia quickly said, yanking her arm away as she opened her locker, and grabbed her bag, shutting her locker but Peter stopped her. "Mia, please-"

"Peter, I've got to go." The blonde snapped, not meaning to sound that harsh, which actually caused her to flinch at herself. With a deep breath, Amelia looked back at the boy, her voice softer. "Listen, I'll explain later, alright?"

"You've said that before."

Mia bit her bottom lip, finally seeing the hurt on the boy's face. And it wasn't just by her snapping at him. The dirty blonde glanced down the hallway, before sighing and looking back at Peter as she held out her pinky. "I promise."

Peter hesitated, but sighed and nodded, hooking his pinky with her's. And then he watched her basically run out of the school.

Amelia ran off school property and down the sidewalk, before she ducked into an empty alleyway while pulling out her phone and calling Tony. "Stay home."

"Where are you?" Mia rolled her eyes, and Tony sighed. "Berlin, but you need to stay home."

"I'm not asking for permission." And with that, she focused and suddenly wasn't in the alleyway anymore.


"I still cannot believe you teleported here." Natasha shook her head as the young girl made sure the blood was completely wiped from her nose, while they walked. This was by far the farthest Mia's ever teleported, and she was definitely feeling the aftermath.

But she ignored the headache as they walked across the skywalk, meeting the group leading Steve, Sam, and apparently the new king of Wakanda, T'Challa.

"You'll be provided with an office instead of a cell. Now, do me a favor, stay in it." Everett Ross was telling them as the two girls walked besides them, stepping next to Steve, Natasha spoke. "For the record, this is what making things worse looks like."

"Yeah, you idiots." Mia added as she stepped between Sam and Steve, thwacking the two grown men in the back of the heads like they were children. Which caused Sam to rub his head, looking down at her. "Shouldn't you be in school, Little?"

"I should be, but I'm not. Your guys' little fight is everywhere." She said back, before glancing at Steve. "Was it worth it?" Her voice had changed for that questions, it was genuine.

Steve nodded, "He's alive."

Finally getting to the main room that Amelia actually had landed in when she first got there, Tony walked towards the group, but he was still on his phone, talking to someone. "No, Romania was not Accords-sanctioned. And, Colonel Rhodes is supervising cleanup."

Natasha leaned towards Steve, "Try not to break anything while we fix this."

"Consequences? You bet there will be consequences." Tony said into the phone, eyeing Steve and Sam, before almost rolling his eyes at the person on the other end. "Obviously you can quote me on that 'cause I just said it. Anything else? Thank you, sir." 

Tony hung up and Steve looks at him, "Consequences?"

"Secretary Ross wants you both prosecuted. Had to give him something." Tony shrugs, which caused Steve to look between him and the two girl. "I'm not getting that shield back, am I?"

"Technically, it's the government's property." Natasha states, before adding. "Wings too." 

Sam shakes his head, giving her a look. "That's cold."

Mia shrugged, "Warmer than jail."

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