Chapter 11: He's Alive

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Barely a minute later and Amelia was stumbling into a wall in the hospital, she glanced around the waiting room, glad she had stayed invisible because of everyone there. Not only were all the kids there, but so were the police, and a couple others she instantly recognized. Like the social worker, Clare, and May Parker. 

Guess everyone knew that she was missing.

But no matter how much she wanted to go over there and hug them, crying as she told them what had happened. She knew better.

So, turning around, she went over to the nurses' station and walked around the counter. Sitting in the empty desk chair, Mia quickly looked up Brent Scott, instantly finding the room number he was in, but then had to blink back tears at the new information that, yes he was alive, but he was in acoma.

A second later, she teleported and landed right in front of the door of the room. Glancing around, Mia quickly made sure no one was around, before she became visible and entered the room, shutting and locking the door behind her. 

A tear escaped her eye as she saw the boy, looking almost lifeless, laying in the bed in front of her, with a machine breathing for him. Mia briefly closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, before opening her eyes again and taking off the hood, while taking careful steps over to the lifeless boy who was basically her brother.

Mia stood by his side, another tear running down her cheek as she placed her right hand on his left arm, but then something happened. She felt her eyes flash as the familiar blue particles covered her fingers, and suddenly Amelia knew how her powers contradicted Wanda's.

So she concentrated, closing her eyes before feeling almost breathless as it seemed like she was shoved into a dream.

Amelia stumbled to the ground with a grunt, almost rolling her eyes, before she sat up, but froze seeing that she was no longer in the hospital. She stood up, looking around herself, seeing that she was now in a meadow, the clouds above her becoming darker as it began raining. But then she looked forward, seeing a blue ball of light basically floating in front of her, before moving- actually it was more like leading her some where. And she trusted it.

She followed it into the woods, through many trees, before a small clearing opened up, and her feet came to a stop seeing the cliff and who was sitting on it. The light vanished as the young Blake girl moved over to him, sitting down next to him and putting her legs over the edge like he was doing.

Brent didn't even look up, somehow already knowing who it was, and even though he was confused, he wasn't gonna waste the time on that. The two sat in quiet for a couple moment, before they both looked up at the sound of thunder.

"You know," He began speaking, a sad tone in his voice as he finally glanced at the blonde. "I never told you why I got put into the foster system." Amelia looked at one of her best friends, even when he looked over the edge that led into a thundering ocean, it's waves never making it to the kids.

"My family was involved in awful things. When my mother died, my father pushed us- basically forcing me and my brothers into his line of work. We became criminals, and my brothers enjoyed it. But I never did." As he spoke, Amelia looked away, not knowing what to say, but it didn't matter 'cause he continued. "I taught you all the stuff I knew, so that you could protect yourself. But I got taught that forcefully, at age 11, so that I could kill someone if they got in my father's way. 

"About three years ago, I turned them all in. My two brothers, and my father. They were sentenced for life for everything they had done, and I got put here." He looked down at his hands, "I never said my last name, I don't know if you ever noticed that, but it's basically a disgrace. And I was okay with that. I wanted to do good. I wanted to be my own person- not my father. I wanted to be good, make up for everything horrible I did with them-"

Amelia looked over at him, seeing a tear roll down his cheek as he closed his eyes. "Now I'm going to die. I'm going to die without doing anything. Without graduating, or getting a job. A life. A family... I'm going to die a nobody." He took a deep breath, looking back at the ocean. "But I guess I'm okay with that."

"No." Amelia spoke forcefully, with tears in her eyes, making him look at her. "No, you're not. You're not a nobody. You're my brother, okay? Mine and June's, Jones', Charlie's- all of us, and we need you. We need you, okay? You're not going to die- I won't let you-"


"No." Her voice cracked, tears streaming down her cheeks. "No, you can't die, okay? We all need you to just hang on, alright? Please just... just hang on."

Brent pulled the younger girl into a hug, nodding as he said, "Okay." But he could feel it, he didn't have much time. A couple tears fell down his cheeks as he lied to his younger sister, "I will."

Amelia jumped back at the sound of a knock, she whirled towards the noise, realizing someone was at the door. So she quickly turned invisible while using her abilities to unlock the door, allowing some nurses and doctors in, and Matt, since he was basically the kids' guardian at the moment.

The nurses rushed over to Brent, making sure he was okay, as the doctor glanced around, one of the nurses stating. "There's no one here."

"So the door just locked and unlocked by itself?"

Matt's eyes widened as he glanced around, but Amelia quickly ducked out of the room, only glancing back when Matt went into the hallway, desperately looking around for the invisible girl. 

The young Blake girl ducked into the stairwell, pulling her hood up and keeping her head down, turning visible again, knowing she needed to save her strength to go back to the 'safe house' in the middle of nowhere.

So, she went all the way down to the first floor, knowing that she'd have to exit through the ER, knowing that none of the people she knew would be all the way there. She came out of the stairwell, keeping her head down, allowing her hood and hair to hide her face, and it almost worked... until she bumped into someone that was trying to get candy from the vending machine.

She quickly looked up, "Sorr..." But trailed off, eyes widening at the brunette boy with black rimmed glasses, his eyes widening as well. 

"Mia-" She quickly covered his mouth, looking around to make sure that they hadn't gotten any unwanted attention, before she pushed him into the closest room, which was a doctors on-call room, but thankfully it was empty. She locked the door before looking back at him, "Okay, Peter, I'm going to lower my hand and you have to promise to not freak out."

A nod came from the wide eyed boy, allowing her to lower her hand, and he didn't hesitate before speaking. "Everyone thinks you're missing? What happened? Where have you been? What are you doing here-"

"Oh my god, I should've just made you promise to not say anything." Amelia grumbled before glancing around, still a bit paranoid, before looking back at the boy in front of her, who had been her best friend since they were five. "Listen, Pete, you can not tell anyone that you saw me, okay?"

"But why not? What happened to you?" Peter asked softly, worried for her, especially when he had seen her injuries, including the bruised cheek and split lip. "June told the police that some robot thing came and took you-"

"Please, Pete, you need to promise me that you won't tell anyone." She pleaded, the mention of Ultron snapping her back to the fact that not only was she in danger, but everyone she cared about was. When he didn't respond, she sighed, "Listen, I promise I'll be okay, and I'll explain everything later, okay?"

He reluctantly nodded, looking down, "Okay."

PromiseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora