Chapter 19: Wake Up

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"Amelia?" The said girl opened her eyes, but found she was looking out into a void. "Amelia?" 

She whirled around, that Sokovian accent too familiar, but once again saw nothing. "Pietro?"

"Look out for Wanda." Was the response, making Amelia even more confused, so she shook her head. "What?"

"Promise me you'll look out for Wanda." He said, and she felt tears sting her eyes, and she nodded. "I promise."

The next voice almost broke her heart, and this time when she whirled around, he was standing right there. "Lia, what's happening?"

"Brent?" Her voice cracked and tears streamed down her cheeks as she ran over and hugged him, he hugged her back hesitantly, before pulling back and looking down at her confused. "What are you doing here, Lia? What's going on?"

"I-I don't know." She shook her head, but then he grabbed her arms. "Amelia, you have to wake up. Wake up."

✘ ✘ ✘

Mia gasped awake, the first thing her eyes landing on was a white ceiling that resembled a hospital, but wasn't exactly it. And she's seen her fair share of that. Then her blue eyes moved down to the wires connected to her, and she looked over at the heart monitor, and she could feel  the oxygen mask in her nose helping her breath. She had to be in a hospital. 

"Mia?" She looked down, seeing Tony sitting there, his hand in her's and looking worried but relieved that she opened her eyes. Her blue eyes looked around again, before she looked at him. "Where are we?"

He glanced around, shrugging. "The new Avengers Facility."

She then remembered what had happened and quickly sat up, a certain fear settling when she remembered the last time she woke up in the hospital. "How long was I out?"

"Just a couple days." He said, and she sighed in relief, each time she'd blacked out and woken in a hospital, it had been a week or so. She sat back and looked at him when he said, "Hey, Mia."

"Yeah?" The blonde furrowed her eyebrows, but then he raised an eyebrow, cracking a smile. "You're still grounded, you know that, right?"

Amelia couldn't help but smile as she rolled her eyes, "Whatever."

✘ ✘ ✘

Looking out into the evening sky, Mia felt a tear roll down her cheek before she looked back down at the funeral, that she actually a part of. She watched them lower the casket from her spot near a tree a few feet away, but she was invisible so they couldn't see her, and she felt another tear roll down her cheek when she looked into the crowd of the kids that had been her siblings. She hated not being over there for them, but she just couldn't bring herself to walk the few feet, having witnessed too many deaths just this year. She didn't want to be a part of another funeral.

So, with a deep breath, Amelia turned around and walked over to the brunette that had been waiting for her across the street. Wanda looked at the 14-year-old, who had turned back to visible, and held out her hand, knowing that words wouldn't help her. So, Mia sighed and took her hand, concentrating before teleporting them back into the Avengers Tower. 

When Amelia had been well enough to leave the Avengers Facility in upstate New York, Tony had taken custody of her but under the radar, so that everyone knew she was okay and with her birth father, but they didn't know who it was. And a couple days ago, since Amelia couldn't face them, Tony had some people get her stuff from the foster house. 

But now, sitting in her room, Mia looked down at her left leg which was in a knee brace, before pulling at the sleeves of her hoodie and standing up. She hesitated before putting weight on her leg, limping over to her closet which had mirror doors. She glanced over herself, the injuries had been getting better and less noticeable, but they were still there. Reminding her of the fights. Reminding her of how many times she'd almost lost her life. Of when Brent died. Of when Pietro died. Reminding her of the devastation in Sokovia.

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