Chapter 3: Kinda A Klutz

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By the time Mia had told June what had happened, and gotten back to her room in the Avengers Tower, she had to quickly rush and get changed into sweats, knowing she was supposed to be training right now. After she put her mask away, and tied her black sneakers, Mia went to her mirror and groaned. Her lip was split, and she had an obvious limp, her ribs were sore but hadn't bruised... yet. 

With an eyeroll at herself, she threw on a white tanktop over the black sports bra, and teleported to the training room, but froze when she was about to start training. There, Steve Rogers stood, arms folded over his chest and a raised eyebrow. 

She quickly forced a sorry smile, "Sorry I'm late. I thought I'd be training by myself today, and I lost track at my friend's."

He nods, the ghost of a smile on his lips. "Really? Because reports of the Blue Canary was seen at a robbery that went wrong, where she helped get eight hostages out."

Mia cringed, "I'm sorry, please don't tell Tony."

This time Steve actually smiled, putting a hand on her shoulder. "It's alright, kid. But next time, tell someone here where you're going. Some of us do know what you do after school."

"Thanks, Stevie." She smiled, and he nodded, rolling his eyes at her nickname for him, before leaving the room, and letting her begin the training she probably didn't need at the moment.

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"Is it noticeable?" Mia asked Wanda, the blonde was getting ready for school and looking at herself in the mirror, worried about the split lip. Apparently Steve was right about some of the others, besides Tony, who weren't completely oblivious of what she did before training. And Wanda was among them, actually happy when Amelia came completely clean to her about it. 

The two had become close, they were basically sisters at this point, and Wanda was a little disappointed that Mia kept something from her, but now the blonde felt comfortable with talking about it. Glad to have no more secrets from her, there was too many secrets she had to keep from the people she cared about.

The brunette shook her head, "Not really. I'd be more focused on your limp though, are you sure your knee is okay?"

Amelia nodded, forcing a smile, not wanting to wear that godforsaken knee brace anymore, and put her jacket on. "I've gotta go, bye." Giving the brunette a quick hug, Amelia grabbed her bag, before teleporting to an alleyway near the high school.

"Jeez, took you long enough." June teased, making Mia roll her eyes but smile, happily taking the coffee her best friend had brought, before the two began walking towards the school. 

That was her routine for the past couple weeks; get ready and teleport to an alleyway near the school (since the Tower wasn't even close to the high school) where June would meet her, and they'd walk to school together, then after school, June would head home as Mia teleported back to the Tower and change, then they'd work on stopping crimes mainly around Queens, basically muggings and stolen cars, before Mia headed back home just in time to change and go to training.

Last night was the first time she's done anything like that, well, not including the Ultron thing, and she hadn't realized that that meant Steve was deciding it was almost time for her to go out on missions.

Mia's first hour went by fast, and she was happy to get to second hour, which was photography for her. Which was her sitting in the corner of the library, alone and listening to music, editing photos- or her going out and taking required or for fun photos. Since Midtown didn't actually have a photography class, she managed to argue for her schedule, saying that instead of a free period, she could work on photos for the school's paper and website for at least some credit. 

And since it was on her own terms, besides the required photos that someone needed, she was usually in the back of the library, on her laptop.

Going through a couple photos, Amelia bit her lip and couldn't help the small smile, seeing the photo she had taken of the spray painted wall at the abandoned building. The picture of the Sokovia buildings, with the blue blur.

Amelia jumped when someone nudged her foot, seeing as she was sitting on the ground, legs out and her laptop on her lap. She quickly pulled out her headphones, seeing Jack Mendes standing there, and looking slightly amused as he glanced down at her. "Mind if I sit with you?"

"Uh, no. Go ahead." She nodded, and he sat against the bookcase towards her left, pulling out a book to read, but not opening it as he looked up at her. "So, you're Amelia, right?"

Giving him a look, she nodded, surprised he was actually there talking to her. She swore she saw a ghost of a smile pass his lips as he nodded, "Sorry, it's just that everyone at the house I'm at talks about you. I just had to meet you for myself."

"Oh," Mia nodded, glancing back at her laptop to shut it, before looking up at him with a kind smile. "Well, it's nice to meet you, officially, I guess."

He began reaching into his bag, "So, I guess I got your room when I moved in, because I found this." He pulled out a photo, passing it to Amelia, who's eyes widened. "Oh my god, I completely forgot about this."

It was a photo of her and Peter when they were ten, and they had gone to an amusement park. The photo had her and him making goofy faces into the camera, with face paint on; her's was a butterfly on her cheek with sparkles everywhere, and his was an Iron Man mask on his right cheek. She shook her head, a slight smile on her lips, "God, he was such a dork."

"That's Peter, right? Peter Parker?" Jack asked, and she nodded, putting the photo into her bag, beginning to explain. "Yeah, we were best friends since we were 5."

"Really?" He seemed slightly surprised, and she looked at him, so he shrugged. "I just haven't seen you guys together."

She nodded, biting her lip briefly, and looking down. "Yeah, something happened, and I guess we've just grown apart."

"Oh." He nods, seeing the way her expression had changed, and even though he was curious, he drops it, deciding to ask about something else. "So, what happened there?"

Mia looked up at him, seeing what he meant, and quickly thought up an excuse. "Oh, I...uh, I walked into a wall."

He grins slightly, raising an eyebrow, and she nods with a slight laugh. "I'm kinda a klutz, I guess."

"I think that's what Maddy said." He says with a slight chuckle, and Mia's eyes widened, a smile on her lips as she tried defending herself. "Okay, Mads doesn't even have a right to say that. I may have broken a glass table, but she broke her arm trying to ride a bike."

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