Chapter 8: The Avengers

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"Ahh, Junior." Tony Stark's voice grabs their attention, as he drops onto the catwalk in his Iron Man suit, along with Captain America and Thor behind him. Pietro was quick to grab Amelia, seeing as she was about to run down the stairs. "You're gonna break your old man's heart."

"If I have to." Ultron says, giving the Twins a hand gesture, so Pietro covers Amelia's mouth as he yanks her into sight.

The Avengers were definitely shocked by them bringing in a kid as a prisoner, but Tony instantly glared at Ultron, even if you couldn't see it through his Iron Man suit, it was obvious he was angry.

Thor spoke next, "We don't have to break anything."

"Clearly you've never made an omelet." Ultron states and Tony glances back, "He beat me by one second."

"Ah, this is funny, Mr. Stark. It's what, comfortable? Like old times?" Pietro spoke up, glancing at the weapons below them, making Tony look at them as well. "This was never my life." But Amelia began trying to burn through the rope again, using this distraction to her advantage.

Steve looks at the twins, "You two can still walk away from this."

"Oh, we will." Wanda says with a glare, Steve glances at the beaten up younger girl, not wanting them to hurt her. He looks back at the twins, "I know you've suffered-"

"Ugghh!" Ultron exclaims, cutting him off. "Captain America. God's righteous man, pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but-"

"If you believe in peace, then let us keep it." Thor says only for Ultron to step forward, "I think you're confusing peace with quiet."

"Yuh-huh," You could basically hear the eyeroll in Tony's voice, "What's the vibranium for?" Ultron sarcastically says, "I'm glad you asked that, because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan!" And then the Iron Legions attack while Stark and Ultron fight.

From the sudden fight, Amelia managed to finally yank apart the burned rope, then she slams her elbow into Pietro's chin while she yanks away, falling to the ground in the process. She looks back at the twins as Wanda whispers something to Pietro and he takes off to fight the Avengers, and Wanda looks at Amelia.

The blonde glares at her as she gets to her feet. Wanda's eyes change to red as Amelia's turns to their vibrant blue.

The brunette didn't even seem surprised, "I knew you were like us."

"I'm nothing like you." Amelia spits out bitterly, then her hand went up at the same time Wanda's did. The blue and red particles collide hard, sending both girls back.

Amelia, who had been sent backwards onto the catwalk, quickly got to her feet only to see Wanda gone. The blonde then looks down at her hands, seeing the blue particles and already knowing what it was. Metallokinesis. She could manipulate metal. But her powers still contradicted Wanda's.

She turned around seeing Captain America and Thor fighting Ultron's Iron Legions, and decides to help them. Mia lifts her hands up, sending two of the bots to crash into each other, and turns her attention to the one who had knocked the Captain down, using her abilities to slam it into the wall.

Steve looked up at the girl slightly surprised, "Thanks." She only nods at him before spotting the silver blue blur, knocking her and Steve down.

She groans, annoyed, before turning on her side and looking around to see where he was going. Mia quickly teleports, landing next to him and using the momentum to punch him.

Pietro falls to the ground, looking back at her as she mocks him from earlier, "Didn't see that coming?" And then she teleported again.

Amelia landed in Klaue's office, grabbing the gun and managing to loud six bullets back in it, before shoving it into her jacket. She then noticed the familiar red particles and blur, already knowing Ultron was having Wanda do mind games on the Avengers.

Mia quickly teleported to the first person she saw, and nudged a dazed looking Thor. "Hello? Point Break, snap out of it." But nothing.

She looked around, spotting Hawkeye shooting arrows at Klaue's men, who had also began attacking them, and realized he may be the only one not affected. So she teleported to the catwalk near him, only to be stopped by the red particles.

Amelia clutched her head in pain, but that's the only thing it caused. No mind tricks. No flashes of her fears. Just a searing headache, enough to cause her to fall to her knees with a pained noise.

But, feeling her eyes change back to normal, the blonde gritted her teeth trying to push against the pain, while using the railing the stand up on her shaky legs.

She heard a noise behind her and saw Ultron's bots getting the vibranium. She quickly grabbed the gun, knowing Wanda had did something so she didn't want to trust her abilities, and began shooting at them. But it did nothing. Only catching the attention of one of the bots, she glanced at the empty gun with a groan, "Great."

Amelia dropped the gun and teleported away before the bot could do anything to her. She landed in a hallway, falling to her knees as she put a hand to her pounding head, before feeling the familiar warmth that told her that her nose was bleeding.

Her head whipped to the side hearing a crash, then seeing Pietro picking up Wanda and speeding off.

Mia took a deep breath before teleporting to where they had been, stumbling into the wall but quickly helping Clint Barton to his feet. The guy katniss looks at her, "You okay, kid?"

She slightly nods but gave him a sorry look, "But your friends aren't."

Clint had quickly asked if she's seen Natasha, the red head, and Amelia nodded. Hesitating before teleporting the two to Black Widow. Clint quickly kneeled by his best friend as Amelia stumbled into a crate dizzy, and feeling like she's about to faint. But she just put a hand to her head, pushing back the pain Wanda had caused, and hearing Clint speak to Tony through their earpieces. "The whole team is down. You got no backup here."

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