Chapter 19: Stand Down, Little One

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After suiting up and formulating a plan, Mia was currently invisible on top of a passenger gangway that she teleported to.

She was still in her dark skinny jeans, that were thankfully covering her still bandaged leg, which had also thankfully stopped hurting over the few hours that had past. She also had on black (cute) combat boots that had slight heels, and was also what Natasha had gotten for her when the two went shopping before school started. 

Then she had on a fitting black long sleeve that was actually comfy and warm, but wasn't such a thick fabric that she'd be sweating once the fighting happened, and she had to thank Sharon for the shirt and army green jacket she had on over it. And she had to thank Sharon for the black fingerless combat gloves. And going with the French braids, she now also had the black mask on, covering her identity.

And no offense to her dad, but she actually liked this mask better than the one he had made her. It just felt like a lighter material, but also felt sturdier.

Amelia kneeled down on the gangway, watching from above as Iron Man and War Machine landed in front of Captain America. When she assessed their positions, the girl let herself turn visible, but she stayed crouched down and hidden as she watched the scene play out.

"Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport." Tony spoke, his Iron Man helmet disappearing as he glanced at James Rhodey, who was in the War Machine suit. "Don't you think that's weird?"

"Definitely weird." Rhodey responds with, their antics causing Mia to roll her eyes. But like always, Steve got to the point. "Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this."

Suddenly Black Panther leaped out from wherever he'd been hiding, and Mia began nervously biting her bottom lip, accidentally biting the scab from her split lip. She was beginning to get even more worried and nervous about the fight that was bound to happen.


Steve nods at T'Challa. "Your highness."

"Anyway, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?" Tony gets Cap's attention again, but Steve just looked at him. Obviously not budging. "You're after the wrong guy."

"Your judgement is askew." Tony's slight playful attitude, which he always seemed to have, was completely gone. "Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday."

"And there are five more super soldiers just like him." Steve shot back, shaking his head. "I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't."

"Steve..." Natasha walks out, "You know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?"

"Guys, I'm getting a really bad feeling about this." Mia whispered into her earpiece, which everyone had as well. Sam was the first to respond, "Just stay focused, Little."

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