Sensitivity and Sleep Over!

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💕Momoi's POV💕

When Mika-chan fell to the ground I was worried, then I saw red fluid dripping from the back of her head... 'BLOOD!' I thought and panicked. I was shouting all over the gym, I bet the whole school heard me because I saw teachers and students rushing to the gym. I shouted "Mika-chan!!! Are you ok? Oh my-! Akashi-kun call a doctor now!She might not hold on any longer!!! Mika-chan hold on...." But then she fainted but still breathing. Then the ambulance came and took Mika-chan. The whole GoM rushed there too. After they examined her, they told us the reason she fainted was because a sudden rush of memories she remembered.

"So she had amnesia or something? And the sudden rush of memories triggered her to collapse?!?" I said

"Yes." The doctor told everyone

"Will she make it?" All of us said in unison

"She will. Just make sure she rests and don't give her too much stress or else she'll collapse again and might not be able to wake up"

"How long, until she wakes up, I mean" Tetsu-kun said in a worried tone but still poker faced as usual.

"About 2 hours, she'll be released tomorrow."

"That's good to hear" all of them said

We bid farewell to the doctor and thanked him. Mika-chan was transferred to her room and we all stayed there and talked about Mika-chan, about her collapse and what could've triggered it.

"So guys, should we talk about it to her?" I asked

"Of course." All of them said

"But what if it was painful memories?" and that made some of them wonder...

"Well that only happend when that guy.... Kabuto Kaizen, came in. I bet he has something to do with it..." Akashi said looking interested on the topic

"Ok! So it's final. We confront him and ask him what his relationship with Mika-chan is? Agree?"

"Hai!" They said and then Mika-chan started to twich so we all leaned a bit closer to her and... She opened her eyes...

"Mika-chan!! I was so worried about you! Are you ok? You had us all worried! Even Akashi was worried!" Then I hugged her but I can feel a dark aura behind me... Pretty sure it was Akashi.... 'Dang' I said to myself, remembering what I had just said.

💖Mika's POV💖

All I remember was Momoi-chan saying ".... Mika-chan hold on!..." Then it suddenly went... BLACK!


"No! Please! ONII-SAN!!!!" I said as I watched my brother get beaten up by a bunch of gangsters

"I'm sorry Mika.... Go now!!.. Go, get your sister, and run.... *sputters blood*" He said as I watch his eyes close, knowing fully that it'll never open again.

"*sob* Onii-san...." I whimpered and fell to the ground. 'Where was my sister? is she even calling the poilce?! Did she run away already?..' These thoughts errupted in my mind.

"T-there! Over there!"   'Onee-san..?' I thought as footsteps came closer to where I was.

"Hands up in the air where I can see them!" It was the police! 'Thank god! What took them so long!?!' I thought as I let my mind drift away into darkness.

Three years had passed since my brothers death and my sister's disappearance. I could've helped him, I could've done something... The guilt haunted me until I met him. He helped me get over my guilt. We became the best of friends... As we grew closer, my feelings started to develop for him.. And I no longer see him as a brotherly figure but as a soulmate. He confessed to me and I to him. We were happy. But things have to end.. He left for America without telling me.

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