The Truth that Lies Within (edited)

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This is an edited version. Edited on 1/22/2015

"Mika! NO!! Stay with us! Please... Please... Mika!......." And with every word slowly fading..... 'Will this really be the end of me?' I wondered as I saw a flash of light before me...... I was going nearer and nearer until--

"So, you're back! What did you do this time?" 'That voice... Could it be her?' I wondered

"Shiro-chan?" I turned around and to my suprise, I was facing the 'other' me

"Who else would it be stupid?" And she came near me.

"What do you think you're doing huh? Trying to bravely escape life? Hah! More like cowering in fear if I say so myself." She said smugly. I was about to protest but she interrupted me,

"I know, I know. 'I didn't mean for it to be like this, blah blah blah..' Well, you can't blame no body. The only thing I'm pissed about this is the way you are trying to escape. I mean, you're Mika Oshiro for pete's sake! I know you are stronger than this! I won't let your weak side get away and ruin all the plans I've got in store." She scolded me.

"I won't just let this slide. Follow me if you want. Or do you really wanna die just like that. Think about your loved ones? did you make them sad? Will they forgive you?" I thought about it... Questions started to pop up in my head like,

'What if Sei-chan will be sad forever?'

'Will he be mad if I give up like this?'

'Can I really die like this?'

'What will my friends say?'

'Will they forget me?'

All these questions, but no definite answer. 'I promised Sei-chan I'd be with him.... He's done so much for me... It's time I return the favor.' And with that my mind was set.

"I'll go with you, for Sei-chan."

"Heh..Great! Follow me." And she lead the way, opposite to the light. It was complete darkness. I felt like we walked for hours, days even. Finally we reached... Something. It was a basketball. Shiro-chan picked it up and tossed it to me. I caught it and asked what was this doing here and why did she give it to me.

"Hm... To answer that, throw it.... Oh! Over there!" And she pointed to a specific direction. I threw it there and the ball disappeared. Out came a door. I walked to it and opened it. Light shone before my eyes as I try to adjust to the brightness.

"Onii-san! Let's play basketball ne?" A voice I recognized rang through my ears. It was me when I was still living with my siblings. Is this a memory?

"Eh? But you'll beat me again!" Onii-san pouted and ruffled little Mika's hair.

"Onii-san...." I said softly, remembering the times we had together. As I watched the memory, I noticed that he was frowning whenever little Mika wasn't looking. He was also murmuring something. I think it was "I'm sorry.." I wonder why. And the time when we were jumped by the gangsters came up, it almost brought me to tears again but fortunately I was able to hold it back. Then I thought of something. Onii-san must've known this would happen, 'that's why he kept saying sorry and was frowning when little Mika wasn't looking.'

"So Onii-san knew this would happen...w-why didn't he.."

"You only noticed now?" Shiro-chan said.

Meanwhile in another place......

🔱Author's POV🔱

"Mika! Sh*t! She's loosing consciousness!" Yoshiki, Mika's brother, said as he carried her in his arms. Sakura was crying. She couldn't take in what has happened. The parents called an ambulance. Not long after, the ambulance has arrived and put Mika in a stretcher. The GoM arrived at the bloody scene.

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