Happy New Year Dear Readers!

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HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! I'm sorry this isn't a chapter. Well, please read because this contains all my heartfelt apologies and thanks to all my beautiful and awesome readers! 😘😘

Ok, so first of all, THANKS! 😊😊
..... Without your support, votes, comments, and encouragements, I couldn't have gotten this far and I would've probably deleted my story but because of you, my readers, I overcame that phase and continued to write this story. I might not be the best or the most professional writer in the world but seeing your guys' comments, votes, posts on my wall, and messages, it made me feel so special and loved.

Thank you for the 11.7K reads & 471 votes. AND COUNTING! you guys are the best readers an author could ever ask for! Thank you so much for these gifts! This is one of the best accomplishments I got this year! Thank you all so much! *le glomps on you* ♪('ε` )☺️☺️☺️ I feel so happy to have met such wonderful readers!

I, too, am a reader like you guys. I read people's books and rant about when she (or he, if there are any boy writers) will update. I also Fangirl, 'ship' characters, and talk to some of my readers. So in a way, I know how you, readers, feel about if the book is bad or good. If it's worth reading or not. And all those stuff.

Well, what I'm saying is thank you. Thank you for supporting this book. It really means a lot to me even though you are a silent reader, and I know that there are a lot of silent readers out there~ don't be afraid to talk to me! I don't bite. ^_^ but it would mean the WORLD to me if you guys would vote and mostly comment. I'd love to see new faces this new year! And to ALL my readers, I hope we'll be closer ok? ^_-

And second of all, I'm so sorry...
..... I'm sorry for being such a boring author. I'm also sorry of I let you guys down. I know some of my readers are authors too so you might know how I feel whenever you have 'writers block' or stuff like that.

I'm sorry if I have so many typos or grammatical errors I'm my chapters (if there are any, please feel free to point it out. I won't get mad.) And I'm truly sorry for not being able to update good, if not, better chapters. I'm just a beginner so please bear with me. I promise to be a better author, friend, and reader.

And also, I'm not forcing you guys to vote or comment, okay? It's all up to your opinions whether you think you should vote and/or comment or whether not to.

And lastly, to all the friends I made along the way, like
💖💖 MiykiFrostWinter(Miyuki-chan),💖💖
🍫🍫 Chocoover31120(Choco-san), 🍫🍫
✨✨Aleroth, ✨✨
🔥🔥Toomanyfandoms413(Ari nee-san)🔥🔥
And more to mention along the way! ✒️✏️✒️✏️

I hope that on this new year, I can have more friends to meet. Not that I'm a 'I-need-more-friends-to-be-popular' kind of girl but I'm one of those people who loves having and making friends. I would love everyone to be my friend but sadly there are some people in life I just cannot tolerate.

Well, that's all for today! I'll see you guys on the next chapters. Please comment or message me if you are in need of someone to talk to. I'd love to help you in your times of need or maybe boredom? XD ok. Stay awesome and remember that I'll always love you guys! Even the silent readers! 😘😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ XOXO... Whut? XD

-TetsumiSBT out! 😜

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