I Like You (Part 1)

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💖Mika's POV💖

"You really don't remember me, huh. How come? I see you all the time." He said.

"W-who are y-you? What do you want from me?" I panicked. I was so scared. He could be a gangster or a drug addict... I thought I was I goner..

"I'm...... Kaizen, Kabuto Kaizen." Kabuto-kun said

"Why did you h-help me?" I said calming down a bit

"I thought you needed help."

"O-oh.... Thanks and sorry for troubling you..."

"Nah! It's ok! And anyway, why were you alone? Doesn't anyone accompany you home?"

"Yeah... But, they're busy most of the time so they usually don't walk me home nowadays."

"Oh.. I see. Well, if you don't mind, I'll walk you home! A girl shouldn't be alone at a time like this." He offered

"Thanks but no thanks. I've troubled you enough already."

"Aw.... C'mon! It'll be fun! We could be buddies! And whenever you need help or if your friends aren't here to walk you home, I'll do it!"

"It's ok. I can manage myself." I said as I got my bag off the ground

"Please! It's so lonely walking alone. Besides, we can keep each other company!"

"Well, when you put it that way.... Ok! Let's go?"

"Yay! Thanks Mika-chan!!" He said as we walked home 'he's just like Aomine-kun and Kise-kun combined. Tough, and friendly...' I thought


"Mi-chan! We're here!!" Kabu-kun said with his head hung low

"Hey... What's with the Mi-chan and why so sad?"

"Well.... It's just that, our fun is over." He said tearing up a bit

"Um.... D-dont cry!!Oh! I know!! If you want, let's hang out whenever we go home?" I suggested

"Really?!? Ok!!! See you Mi-chan!" I giggled 'so bipolar!' I thought and said

"Yeah! See you and please stop calling me that.."

"Hmph!!! No!" I giggled at this statement and waved goodbye to him


I did my everyday morning routine and walked to school. I met up with the GoM every lunch and talked about things like "What's your score in the test?" well, we never asked Akashi cuz hell always have the highest among us. They also asked me where I was. They said that they sometimes wait for me but I wouldn't show up so they left. I told them...

"Oh? Really? Sorry to make you wait. Actually, the reason behind that is because I hang out with this guy... His name is Kabuto Kaizen." I said while looking at each one of them. Momoi-chan stared at me wide eyed and whispered something to Aomine-kun. All I heard was "Can...... Mika.....double....ate....us?" Aomine-kun gave her a nod. It was complete silence until Akashi broke the ice

"What is your relation with him?" He asked looking at me.

"Y-you mean Kabu-kun... W-well, he is my friend. Why'd you ask?" He didn't reply but looked away from me. I slightly saw a small tint of pink on his cheeks... He had an embarrassed look on his face.

"My mika-chan.... They grow up so fast. Who'd you two meet?" Momoi asked coming nearer to me like I'm one of those story tellers and she was one of my listeners.

"Oh... Are you sure you want to know?" I asked

"Hai!!" She said

"*sigh* Well, ok. So it all started a month ago. You guys were always busy so I usually walked home alone. So one day as I was walking to school, there were a bunch of boys after me so I ran in the school and hid in the restroom. A girl, her name was Nami Moshige, she told me that those boys who were after me were the boys in my fan club. Nothing happened after until dismissal. I saw Moshige again and she punched and kicked me. She kept saying like "stay away from them" or "you're keeping them all to yourself" or something like that. She was about to punch me until Kabu-kun came to my rescue. He made Moshige go away and from that day forth, we always hang out after school."

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