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Ashton's POV


Worry washed over me, took over every cell in my being. I was nervous, biting my nails until I could no longer. Breathing in and out shakily, I tried to compose myself about what was to come. 

"It probably isn't even something bad, maybe he dropped his penguin down the side of his bed." I said out loud but not too loud, we don't want anyone to send me to Wickensdale now do we? Luke had been acting strange and the text brung all happiness to a stop. It was like taking an ice cream away from a child, or not giving Flo attention.

My phone vibrated in my hand and it was Luke calling, hastily I declined it. Hopping into my red pick up truck I connected my phone to the stereo and hit shuffle.

You're dressed to kill I'm calling you out,

Don't waste your time on me.

I tapped the wheel in time to one of my favourite All Time Low songs Jasey Rae. Not paying attention to the road but to my beloved songs all things went black. Darker than coal and darker than evil. Sirens. Their wailing filled my ears and I couldn't escape, I called out for help and no one heard me but I heard them.

"Boy, are you okay?" I whispered a reply back, but they didn't hear. "Can you hear me?" A pause to their minds yet I was screaming for help again. Pain took over my body and I tried to sit up yet nothing happened. I was frozen in my spot, they couldn't hear me.

"Get an ambulance, now!" Suddenly strong arms swooped me up and lifted me onto a bed, along the way to where ever we was going people constantly talked to me attempting to pull me out of the darkness I was in. It felt like someone was slowly turning the volume down and everything was going slower and slower by the second.


The demons inside of me had won and successfully dragged me into a pool of negativity and evil. This is the day I feared, the day of my death, the day that hit me in the face,the day I never expected. If only I didn't get lost in my music. My time had come and I let the angels take me away. 



"Ashton, can you hear me? Wake up! Please Ashton you can't do this to me." A unfamiliar voice rang through my ears, who was this person? I opened my eyes and stretched, where the fuck was I?


"Who are you? Where am I?" Groggily, I spoke. Apparently I had been in a coma for 2 days but why didn't I remember anyone? Why are strangers turning up to see me? I didn't want to be rude but hey I had to say it.

"Who are you?" I pointed to a girl with long ombre hair. "And, who are you?" I pointed to a tall boy with a lip piercing and long legs. As soon as the point was directed to the girl she fell on the floor and cried, I stood there in horror. My mum always told me it was rude to point but I didn't know it was that rude. 

Did you guys know that pointing makes people fall on the floor and cry for hours on end? Neither did I!

"Ashton, I'm your twin, Flo. Florence? Remember me? Please say you do!" She wailed and sniffed. "I'm sorry but I cant say I do, sorry but I don't have a twin." In the corner of my eye I saw the boy stand there awkwardly playing with his lip ring. As this whole drama went on the doctors frantically took notes and rushed in and out of the room. 

The tall boy walked out and came back in with a white doctors coat looking very sad. So this boy was a doctor or is he playing? "Hello Ashton, I'm Dr.Fluke and I shall be your doctor." I just looked at him waiting for him to tell me it's a joke, that he's not my doctor.

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