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Today's event in maths took me one step further to my next victim. She was oblivious to my plans, infact everyone was. The shootings? The rapings? The killings? The bombings? The vanishing people? I wonder who done that...oh right it was me!


As I sat down on my bed it squeaked, I crossed my legs and took out my laptop ready to research my next victim and get the pro's and con's of my attack. But before this all happens what will I do? Shall I hang them? No, a slow and torturous death because she turned me down, the bitch turned me down!


That's it! I'll tazer her, cut her tongue out and then do whatever I fancy with her. This is a hard one to plan it's impossible, she's a strong willed girl and can easily get away from me before I affect her. After a long and stressful planning session, I doubt it will all work. The only way to get her to open up to me is to go to her house right now!


I quickly throw on clothes and shoes, turn on my car and blare Happy by Pharrel Williams [AN::THIS SONG SHOULD GO SUCK A DICK] and arrive at her house. I smirk and slowly open the door, grabbing a handful of stones in my hand before locating her bedroom window.



I kiss Luke goodnight, he was tired from tonight's events. I look back onto it and blush immensely, glad he was the one I lost it to because I loved him. I start to drift off to sleep when suddenly I hear a light persistent tapping noise at my window. I can hear whispers and a massive smash. Glass lay on my floor and a shadow was cast onto my carpet.


Before they stepped further Ashton swung the door open but made sure it wouldn't slam, I lay there quietly trying to wake Luke up and to my spires he did.

"What time is it babe?" Luke spoke really fucking loudly.

Before I could respond I hand was clamped over my hand, I struggled and the boys sprung up from their positions. There was a loud crash and the two of them had my bedroom door above their heads ready to pound him with it.


I was dragged from my bed and slung over the window, I grabbed on for dear life hoping the boys would call the police before it's too late. I screamed when Ashton and Luke rammed the door into his stomach repeatedly. 


FUCK YES THE POLICE ARE HERE! I quickly grabbed the culprits hands and held them firmly together with no idea where this new found strength perked up from. There were muffled voices until the officers emerged into my room.

Immediately, I shoved the person who tried to do something to me to the experienced police, we were nothing compared to them but we prevented an un known crime to happen. 


The moment the police left to question the stranger we had a chat in the kitchen. Ashton was drinking chocolate milk whilst me and Luke had a cup of tea. 

"Why was the sand wet?

Because the sea weed!" Luke roared, we all fell into fits of laughter but it died down when Grace emerged into the kitchen.

"Grace what are you doing here?" I spoke directly to her.

Ashton looked at her whilst she looked at him, they looked pretty suspicious. I mean come on she was in Ashton's all time low top, oh my gosh.

"DID YOU FUCK HER ASHTON! I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL KILL YOU!" I scream at the top of my lungs, going red in the face and I let silent streams of tears fall down my face at the thought of Ashton using my best friend for an orgasm. Just wank don't use her for fuck sake, I thought mum taught him better than that. Obviously not!

"NO FLO WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? SHE HAS NO HOME ANY MORE SHE GOT KICKED OUT BECAUSE HER PARENTS WOULDN'T PAY FOR IT SO I LET HER STAY IN THE GUEST ROOM. PROBLEM?" Ashton yelled back and Grace flinched whilst running off and slamming the door to the bath room. What the fuck is she doing in there?


"Ashton, I'm sorry, I love you fuck I'm so fucking sorry, Ash do you forgive me?" I mutter, wanting to live in a shadow for the rest of my life for assuming my brother would do such a thing to the fragile girl. 

"I forgive you oh and I also forgive you for all the screaming and moaning I heard tonight." Ashton smirked, clearly proud of what he had said.

I heard a yelp in pain coming from the bathroom and my eyes met Ashton. Grace had been clean for so long and she only went and ruined it. I let Ashton see to her as I would probably join her little cutting party she had going on there.




I knew what Grace was doing but I didn't know why. Why would a girl like her harm herself? It's saddening to see this is what it has come to, maybe if Flo and I saved her quicker none of this would of happened. I think that I will forever blame myself for Grace's problems.


I attempted to open the bathroom door but it was locked, so I knocked gently.

"Grace it's me Ashton, please let me in" I whispered

She wouldn't budge so I went and got the bath room key I kept in my pillow case. The sight infront of me was shocking, instantly I felt regret and pain. Here layed Grace in a pool of blood, her pale wrists were stained with vibrant red blood.

Her cheeks were stained with tears, her thighs resembled her wrist whilst she sat there still cutting away her flesh. She didn't deserve this, no one did, why did she have to solve her problems this way?

"Grace what are you doing, stop it please I beg you. You're beautiful, funny and smart and I would say your perfect but no body is. I wish you would stop this because your ruining yourself." She didn't seem to hear me as her body was continuing to be struck by the sharp object.


I gave up, she wouldn't listen so I had one choice, that choice was to sit with her and talk to her even though she couldn't hear me. After a few minutes I grew sick of the sight and grabbed the blade from her grip and flushed it. 


She pulled out a bigger sharper blade and carried on, she wouldn't stop. I was helpless. I carried her to the bath tub right next to her and cleaned her wounds, drawing butterflies on every scar and kissing every fresh wound multiple times. We both fell asleep in the blood stained bath room


I swear this story is depressing,

I sobbed writing this.

I can also relate to this chapter,

I can relate to most chapters holy fuck I live a depressing life.



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