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Grace's POV

I regret walking into the house because the sight infront of me made my heart shatter into a million and one pieces.

I stand there gasping for air, I feel my eyes well up with tears. I don't know how long I stood there watching them but I couldn't breath, my insides felt like they had been cut up whilst I was awake. My tongue was dry and felt like sand paper. 

I ran out the house and kept running until I couldn't any longer, the scene infront me shocked me and I can't believe it. I really need to confront him about it but just not right now. I can't handle the pressure.

I reach into my jean pocket for my phone and find nothing, I try the other and I have no luck. 

"Fuck." I must seem crazy, cursing to myself and tears streaming down my cheeks. I turn back towards the direction I came in and start walking back to Flo's house, I just hope I don't have to face the culprit of this whole situation. 


We could've been listening to our special playlist together, we would belt out the lyrics and laugh our asses off and play around but now I need to forget about that because what I thought we had was worthy of something more, I guess not.


I figured out all the time he said he loved me he didn't mean it like I meant it. But now I can't mean it, I need to move on from the back stabbing Aussie. I stop once I get to their house, wipe my eyes and bring myself to knock. I'm praying Flo answers it but no.


The demon itself answers the door for me and smiles widely. I roll my eyes and push passed him, stamping up the stairs and making my way to the guest room with a huff. Sinking down onto the soft bed I let silent tears run down my cheeks.


There's a knock at the door so I hurriedly pack my bags. Before I could zip up my bag, the door is opened to reveal and confused looking Ashton standing at the doorway. 

"Grace, what's wrong?" Ashton speaks and makes his way over to hug me.

"You know exactly what I mean!" I yell and make a break for it. Running out the house and hailing a cab. Everything is happening to fast and I can't process it.

"Where to ma'am?" The cab driver speaks up, looking at me through the mirror. I inhale a sharp breath when I realize who the driver is. His smile is wiped off with a look of hatred.

"Michael" I spit.

"Hey Grace, what's up?!" He smiles acting all innocent.

"Don't you dare play the innocent card on me you shit. Don't talk to me and drive me far away from here." I huff. He doesn't speak for the rest of the journey.

"Here's the end, you don't need to pay I already feel bad enough because of what we done to you." Michael tries to avoid eye contact with me. I mumble a quiet thank you and get out the taxi only to be followed by a curious looking Michael. 

"Grace, I need to tell you something."



Grace all of the sudden packed her bags and left. I've been trying to figure out what has upset her for the past hour. For the whole time I've been dwelling upon the situation not once have I thought about her where abouts or her safety. Well shit

I put on whatever shoes come into my sight first and run out the door. I know where she would be the apple tree. I sprint to the tree to find no luck. The only place I can think of is the music shop but of course she isn't there. 


It starts to rain and I have no idea where I am. I'm at some sort of forest, a mysterious figure paced about in the distance. The person who I assumed was a girl had hair coming below her shoulder, fairly tall and carried around some sort of luggage.


Could it be Grace? Of course it isn't she wouldn't be here. There was a bench beneath a small tree. I lied on it and drifted off to sleep only to be awoken by loud sobs coming from somewhere near me. It was the girl.


"Excuse me are you-" I freeze once the beautiful girl turned around and faced me, wide eyes and eyes puffy.

"Grace?" I whisper. Reaching out for her to confirm this isn't some kind of sick dream.

"Grace why did you leave?" I ask her

"No, I'm not telling you here. Why in the middle of a forest? You could easily drop me, I mean you already did but-" I cut her off. What the actual fuck


"Let's go back, I have some sense of direction." I giggle and she keeps a straight face but still follows me.




We arrived back to the house and no one is home, Flo must be doing kinky shit with Luke again. We get comfy on my bed and we both prepare ourselves of what's to come. I really hope I can comfort her through this.

"Okay so basically I came home from school today and I saw-" She broke down crying again. I held her until she was ready to tell me what happened.

"So I saw you and some girl getting it on. You know what I mean, you didn't even realize me standing there watching you. It just upset me you know? Because I kind of really like you and I can't help it but you're fucking some blonde hoe and it's not my place to cut your dick off so you can't do the frickle frackle." She sobbed.


Holy fuck


She caught me


Grace's POV


I sat there, tears streaming down my face and searching for some sort of display of emotion on Ashton's face. I can't control the situation, it's all Jemma's fault



"Grace, I'm sorry if you took our friendship the wrong way, we're friends nothing more than that. I don't love you in the way you love me. Isn't that what it's all about? If we're not out therelooking for the one we want to be with forever then what are we doing?" What a way to friend zone somebody.


"But you don't understand, all I want to do is be with you." I whisper.


"Sorry Grace, but if you can't accept the fact that I don't love you like you love me we can't be friends." We both sat there for a moment, our sobs barely audible.


"Good bye Ashton."


"Good bye Grace"



shitty chapter again

damn i swear all my chapters are shit



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