Chapter 1 (Ennard's Loss)

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It had been a few days since Springtrap's sudden dissapearance, and Ennard was a nervous wreck. Ennard was always known around the high school to be a bully, but Springtrap, being his only friend, was the only one who kept him from going too far. It led to the uneasiness of the whole school. Who was gonna be the next person to feel his wrath, was what his peers thought.

Ennard stomped through the halls, heading to next period-although it was pointless, since he was failing most of his classes. As he turned a corner, the people grabbing their textbooks from their lockers, scattered, figuring they'd rather be nagged because of their lack of them, than to get a taste of Ennard's venomous words.

Ennard's scowl deepened. He stopped in front of his classroom, about to open the door, when a thought dawned on him. Instead of going to class, he could go home, and call his buddy. He turned on his heels and made his way to the front doors. They wouldn't miss him anyways.

Ennard walked through the front door of his apartment. It may have been small, but it was the only thing he had. He tossed his keys on his desk, deciding not to waste any time. He picked up the phone off its receiver, and dialed Springtrap's number-he had called him so many times, that the number was basically imprinted in his brain.

After a few rings, a feminine voice on the other line answered, "Hello? Who is this, if I may ask?"

Ennard paused for a second; the person on the other end was definitely not Springtrap. "Who is this?"

"This is Amy. I'm an officer on duty. I'm currently on a case about Springtrap-"

"A case? About what?" Ennard asked.

"Well, this is classified, but we had a call a few days ago, about the sound of a gunshot coming from this apartment. When we got here, we found Springtrap lying on his bed, dead," the woman explained, and Ennard's eyes widened.

Ennard's shock turned into anger. "And why wasn't I informed about this earlier!"

"His contact history was-"

Before the woman could finish, Ennard hung up. He threw the phone across the room in a blind rage-luckily, it didn't break. He grunted, and started pacing around the room.

"This is un-believable! Some 'officer' she is!" Ennard ranted.

Ennard growled, bouncing his foot off the wall in frustration. He turned around and threw his back against the wall, huffing as the wind was almost knocked out of him. As the scenario started to sink in, Ennard slid down the wall. He brought his knees to his chest and put his face in his hands, trying to shut out reality.

Ennard had skipped school for a few days, locking himself into his apartment, and the students had thought he was gone forever. When Ennard's baggy-eyed, tired face walked through the front doors, their hopes were snuffed out. He looked like he had been crying for days straight, not soaking in enough of the needed sunlight-which, unknowingly to them, was true.

"Outta my way!" Ennard growled, pushing past some people.

Everyone was previously informed about Springtrap's death, and most everybody was sorta glad that he and Ennard were finally seperated. Only now are they learning that Springtrap was the one that kept Ennard in check.

Ennard shot glares at the people who dared to look at him, as he tramped through the halls. He pushed into the bathroom, looking under the stalls to make sure nobody was with him, and locked the door. He sighed and walked up to the sinks, looking into a mirror. Was this how he looked walking around, Ennard thought. He ran his hands through his grey hair, slicking it back how it usually was. He tucked his grey shirt into his black pants, trying to hide the holes in them-his white vest was barely any help.

There was a knock on the bathroom door, and Ennard raised an eyebrow. He quickly unlocked the door and swung it open. A girl with purple hair pulled back in a bun, what seemed to be a bra and a tutu, ballet flats with ribbons going up her legs, a face full of makeup, and jewelry on, stood behind the door.

"Oh, sorry. I was just looking for my friend, Bon-Bon. Is he in there?" the girl asked.

Ennard furrowed his eyebrows at the girl, noticing that she wasn't nervous, talking to him. "What?"

"I suppose he isn't. He's not very hard to miss. Sorry to disturb you," the girl murmured, before walking away.

Ennard squinted, and ran after the girl. "Hey, who do you think you are!"

"Oh, my name's Ballora, nice to meet you," she replied, putting her hand out for Ennard to shake.

"Do you not know who I am?" Ennard snapped, smacking her hand away from him.

"I'm sorry, I don't," Ballora mumbled, taken aback by his nasty attitude.

"You should! What's wrong with you!" Ennard spat.

"Leave her alone!" a somewhat familiar voice barked, causing Ennard to look over.

" 'Fun-time' Foxy," Ennard growled-he could practically taste the venom in his mouth.

"Ennard," Foxy growled back, giving Ennard a warning.

"Why should I?" Ennard retorted.

"Because she's my friend," Foxy argued.

"I thought friends weren't important. That you could give them up at any given time," Ennard hissed.

"Ballora is nice; she hasn't started going around and picking on people weaker than her to make herself feel better!" Foxy ranted.

Ennard clenched his fists, grinding his teeth together in frustration. He looked over, seeing something in the corner of his eye. He hadn't realized before that a crowd had circled around them to hear what all the commotion was about.

"Get outta here!" Ennard boomed, stomping towards the mob.

As everyone quickly scattered, Ballora spoke up, "Do you two know each other?"

"We used to," Foxy grumbled, keeping his glare on Ennard.

Ennard scoffed and turned around
Je wasn't in the mood to face Funtime, nor any of his other friends, at the moment. As he turned the corner, he glanced back to shoot daggers at Foxy, to see Ballora giving him a worried look. Ennard's eyebrows rose, but before anything else could happen, he lost sight of her as he passed the corner.

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