Chapter 3 (Invitation)

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Ennard woke up from his sleep to a pounding headache. He sat up and rubbed his temples. He sighed as he pushed himself up, shuffling towards the kitchen to get some medicine to ease his aching brain. Ennard grabbed the ibuprofen out of the cabinet, and tossed two down his throat.

His mail slot opened, and a few envolopes were ejected through it. Ennard put the bottle back and closed the cabinet door, walking towards them. He crouched down and grabbed them off the floor, quickly glancing at the return adresses-one from the landlord, and another from Ballora.

"This girl again?" Ennard grumbled, but didn't hesitate to open it.

'The Funtimes and I are watching the Superbowl tonight at 6:30, if you wanted to come over. There will be plenty of food to eat. I would advise coming an hour early, if you did so. Hope to see you there!'

" 'Hope to see you there'? I bet," Ennard scoffed, but started to consider that she may have really meant it.

Ennard shook his head; there was no way he could stand to be in the same room with the Funtimes and the others. But maybe they were trying to give him another chance, Ennard thought.

"Doubt it," Ennard sighed, gently placing the envelope on his desk, where he could see it.

"Freddy, drop it," Funtime Foxy growled, trying to ignore his friend as they got in their apartment.

"But, Ennard used to be-"

"We're not inviting him!" Foxy barked.

Ballora bit her lip. She hadn't payed attention to their arguing the whole walk from her place-she was too busy in thought. How did Funtime Foxy and Ennard know each other, she thought. Baby tapped Ballora on the shoulder to get her attention and gestured to her clothing. Ballora helped her take off her extra, unnecessary, layers, still deep in thought.

Ennard stared at the invitation in thought. He contemplated his desicions, resulting in an internal argument. There was no way he could put up with the rest, but then again, maybe it was his chance to rekindle their friendships. If word got around of him hanging out with them, he could lose his title.

"I want to go," Ennard croaked, but then mentally scolded himself-he couldn't be weak.

Ennard growled. He was in control-he could do whatever he wanted. He had been moping for too long, and he was starting to feel lonely, though nobody was going to find that out. Ennard walked into his bathroom, deciding to take a shower and freshen up before he went.

A knock on the door caught the attention of the Funtimes. Baby looked over at Funtime Foxy, to see him lounging on the couch. She rolled her eyes and flounced towards the front door. She opened the door, and looked up, to see Ennard. She gasped and quickly shut the door.

"Who is it?" Ballora wondered, hoping that her invitation was successful.

"It's Ennard. Why is Ennard at the door?" Baby hissed.

"Funtime Freddy!" Foxy bellowed.

"Wha- I-I didn't invite him," Freddy stammered, poking his head out from the kitchen.

"Then who did?" Foxy snapped.

"I did," Ballora said.

"What, why?" Baby whispered.

"Because, he seems nice," Ballora mused.

"Pfft, yeah!" Foxy scoffed sarcastically.

"That guy's a real parasite," Bon-Bon grumbled.

"Bon-Bon!" Freddy gasped.

"Douchebag is more like it," Foxy added.

Both Bon-Bon and Freddy gasped, Bon-Bon covering his ears as Freddy covered his mouth. Foxy raised an eyebrow and looked back at them.

Freddy uncovered his mouth to whisper, "You said a bad word."

He quickly covered his mouth back up, and Foxy rolled his eyes. Ballora slid past Baby and opened the door. She saw Ennard start to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Ballora worried, and Ennard looked back at her.

"Well, when the door was slammed in my face, I assumed I wasn't welcome," Ennard replied.

"You're not!" Foxy yelled, and Ballora ignored him.

"You were invited. Come on in," Ballora assured him as she opened the door wider and stepped back.

Ennard ducked under the door frame and stepped inside. The rest, except for Freddy, glared at him. Ennard started to feel uncomfortable, but he tried to make sure not to let anyone see it. Despite his best efforts, Ballora could see that Ennard was feeling uneasy.

"Guys, Ennard's our guest. Let's treat him like one," Ballora said and gently touched his arm.

Ennard flinched and widened his eyes as he looked down at her hand. Ballora quickly pulled her hand away from him and gave him a sincere look.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were so sensitive to touch," Ballora mumbled.

"I'm not sensitive. I just don't want to be touched," Ennard snapped back.

"How's the weather up there, stringbean?" Baby jeered, and Ennard looked over at her.

"Pretty nice, shrimp," Ennard sneered, leaning down to look at her.

Baby growled. Ennard snickered as he straightened his back.

"See, now we're getting along. Sort of," Ballora said, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Freddy, where's the food at?" Foxy yelled, still lying on the couch.

"I can't carry all of this!" Freddy worried.

"Bon-Bon, go help him," Foxy instructed.

"O-kay!" Bon-Bon sang and ran into the kitchen.

"Foxy, get off your lazy butt and help!" Baby scolded.

Ennard glared at Foxy; he was always lazy, even when they were friends. Ennard walked over to the dining table to grab a cup of Kool-aid and walked behind the couch. He tipped the cup over and spilled it on Foxy, causing Ballora to gasp.

"Ah! What the hell!" Foxy blurted, quickly standing up.

Foxy growled and pulled off his shirt, throwing it at Ennard. Ennard smirked as Foxy looked down at himself.

"Ugh, this stuff stains," Foxy growled.

Foxy frowned at Ennard before he walked into the hallway. Ballora quickly passed the rest, following him. As Foxy walked into his room, Ballora knocked on the door frame, making sure she was allowed to enter.

"Come on in," Foxy murmured as he glanced back at her.

Ballora timidly walked in as Foxy rummaged through his dresser, and she asked, "Did you guys used to be friends?"

"What?" Foxy mumbled as he pulled out a shirt to look at it-he shook his head and tossed it back in the drawer.

"You guys and Ennard? Did you all used to hang out at some point?" Ballora wondered, and Foxy paused.

"I don't want to talk about it," Foxy sighed as he continued looking for a top.

"Please, I won't ask you about it again. Maybe I can help," Ballora tried to coax him.

"Mm," Foxy groaned.

"Please," Ballora whispered.

Foxy sighed, and said, "Fine."

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