Chapter 14 (Relationship)

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"Is that everything?" Baby wondered.

"I only have my suitcase," Ennard mumbled.

"Yeah, I have all my stuff. Now I just need to unpack," Ballora replied.

"Do you need our help?" Foxy asked.

"No, I think I have it," Ballora mused.

"Oh, good," Foxy sighed as he flopped onto the couch.

"Well, I'll get to unpacking, then," Ballora said as she started into the hallway.

"Um, actually, there's something we need to tell you, first," Baby stammered.

"Yes?" Ballora commented.

"We only have one guest bedroom," Baby muttered bashfully.

"You guys have to share the bedroom!" Freddy chuckled in a sing-song tone.


"We don't have to. I can just sleep on the couch," Ennard suggested. "I wouldn't want to make Ballora uncomfortable."

"Don't be silly, Ennard. There's plenty of room in there for you. I won't feel uncomfortable," Ballora assured him.

"Mm- Okay," Ennard mumbled.

Ballora nodded and started for the room. Ennard followed her, carrying his suitcase with him. There were only a few boxes in there—most of what she thought she needed to pack, she didn't. The rest said they had plenty of dishes, cleaning supplies, and bedroom necessities.

"I don't have nearly as much clothing as you, so I can just keep them in my suitcase." Ennard looked around.

"Stop that. There's plenty of room for you," Ballora insisted.

"Honestly, though, I'd rather just leave them in my suitcase," Ennard said.

Ballora looked back at him and sighed, "If that's what you want."

Ennard set his suitcase on the bed and unzipped it. He could put his products in the bathroom, though. Ballora opened the box full of clothes and started putting them in the dresser.

"Well, that's all. Why don't we join the rest in the living room?" Ballora suggested.

"Wait," Ennard said, gently grabbing her wrist.

Ballora looked back at him. "Huh?"

"You've done so much for me, Ballora. You were there to help me when nobody else wanted to. Thank you," Ennard spoke, entangling his hands in hers.

"Oh, it was no problem," Ballora murmured, blushing lightly.

"We've gotten close. I wish we could get closer. I know it'd make me happy," Ennard babbled.

"Are . . . Are you trying to ask me out?" Ballora chuckled.

"Wha- . . ."

Ballora giggled and reached up to him. She pulled his head down, standing on her tip toes, and planted a kiss on him. When she pulled away, Ennard smiled nervously, a blush on his face.

"I guess this means we're going out?" Ennard joked, scratching the back of his neck.

"I guess so."

"Hey, guys, you finished already?" Baby asked, seeing Ballora and Ennard walk into the living room.

"We didn't have much," Ballora replied.

"What're you watching?" Ennard wondered, sitting at Foxy's feet.

"Don't know. Foxy's got the remote," Baby grumbled.

Ballora sat on the arm rest beside him. Ennard reached up and held her hand as they watched TV. Baby gasped inaudibly and looked over at Foxy—he wasn't paying attention. Baby slid down, extending her leg out towards Foxy. She kicked him the ribs, and he hissed as he glared up at her. Baby quickly put a finger to her lips and pointed towards Ballora and Ennard. Foxy looked over and saw the two of them holding hands. Foxy looked back at Baby as he nodded. Baby furrowed her eyebrows, expecting a bigger reaction out of him. Foxy looked back at the TV, and Baby slid back in her seat, doing so as well.

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