Chapter 13 (Mending)

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"I- . . . This is gonna sound stupid, but . . . I just need you guys to understand," Ennard croaked, looking up at the rest with glossy eyes.

"Ennard, there's no way we can understand completely, but we'll try. Right, guys?" Ballora spoke.

"Yeah," Bon-Bon and Funtime Freddy said in unison, as the other two nodded.

"You just have to let us help you. We can't do that if you keep shutting yourself out. Just come talk to one of us, and we'll try to do our best to make you feel better," Baby assured him.

"Just don't go picking on other people instead," Foxy added.

"You guys aren't just doing this because you pity me, are you?" Ennard mumbled.

"We do feel bad, Ennard, but it's because we did this to you. We could've been there for you, but we weren't," Bon-Bon explained.

"I just don't want you guys to think I'm weak," Ennard muttered.

"We don't think you're weak, Ennard. You're the strongest guy I know!" Funtime Freddy gushed.

"Hey," Foxy uttered in offense.

"Both mentally and physically," Freddy added.

"Double hey!" Foxy grunted, and Ennard chuckled.

Ballora put her hand on his back. "We're here to help, Ennard. Do you understand that?"

"Yeah," Ennard sighed, nodding.

Ennard stood up, taking a deep breath. Ballora followed him up, smiling at him. Foxy looked around Ennard's apartment.

"This is the crummy place you've been staying at?" Foxy scoffed.

"Yeah," Ennard replied.

"No, I won't tolerate it." Foxy shook his head.

"What do you mean?" Baby wondered.

"Foxy and I talked about it, and I convinced him to let Ennard stay at our place," Ballora commented.

"Really?" Freddy squealed.

"If it's okay with Ennard," she mentioned.

"Oh, please say it's okay with you!" Freddy begged, pulling at Ennard's arm.

"Uh, I guess," Ennard murmured.

"Yay! Let's get to packing!" Freddy cheered.

"I wish you're this enthusiastic when it comes to helping me pack," Ballora scoffed.

"Speaking of which, we need to go over to Ballora's to help her pack the rest of her stuff," Baby instructed.

"Where's your suitcase?" Freddy exclaimed.

"Under my bed," Ennard muttered.

Funtime Freddy dropped to the floor and crawled halfway under his bed. He came back out, dragging a suitcase with him. He giggled as he rushed it over to his dresser. Ennard was about to say something when Freddy started to quickly toss clothing in the suitcase, but he decided against it.

"I guess we don't really have to help. If we don't say anything, he'll probably end up packing by himself, anyways," Baby snickered.

"We don't have to pack your dishes, or stuff. We've got plenty of those," Foxy said.

It didn't take long for Freddy to finish emptying the dresser. He dragged the suitcase into the bathroom, where the rest heard him rummage through the medicine cabinet. They didn't think to go in there and help him, but to just listen. Freddy soon came out of the bathroom, dragging the suitcase behind him, and looked around.

"You don't have a lot of stuff, what do you usually do around here?" Foxy wondered.

"Well, I used to just hang out with Springtrap, but I can't do that now. So, I just listen to music, draw, sleep . . . That's pretty much all I do," Ennard confessed.

"Doesn't that get kinda, boring?" Baby scratched the back of her head, watching Freddy hop over to Ennard's desk and toss his sketchbook and pencils in the suitcase.

"Eh, I don't have anything better to do," Ennard said.

"Now you do," Ballora crowed.

A small smile etched across Ennard's face as he looked at his feet. Ballora hugged his side, and he looked down at her wide eyed. Freddy gasped from across the room, and everyone looked up at him.

"Are we doing a group hug?" he exclaimed.

Freddy ran up and tackled Ennard in a hug. Ennard stumbled back a bit, and Ballora helped him regain his balance. Bon-Bon wrapped his arms around Freddy's and Ennard's back. Foxy raised an eyebrow and looked at Baby, who shrugged in response. Baby walked up to Ennard and wrapped her arms around his back. Foxy quickly joined in, not wanting to be left out. Ennard raised his arms up, looking down at the rest. He sighed in defeat and put his arms around them.

". . . O-kay, I think that's long enough," Ennard announced, stepping away from everyone's grasp.

"Do you have anything else to pack?" Ballora wondered.

"Um, not really." Ennard looked around.

"Oh my," Ballora gasped.

"What's wrong?" Foxy worried.

"I didn't mention this before because I didn't think it would be a problem, but, I hope you guys don't mind my Minireenas moving in with me," Ballora mentioned bashfully.

"Why would we mind? Baby has her Bidybabs in her room," Foxy said.

"I wouldn't know what to do without my babies," Ballora sighed.

"Babies? You treat your Minireenas like your children?" Baby scoffed.

"Yes. You don't think of your Bidybabs in that way?" Ballora wondered.

"The Bidybabs are my servants. Far from my children," Baby sneered.

"That's horrible," Ballora gasped.

"No, it's not. They respect me, and they do as I say. What's so bad about it?" Baby sputtered.

"The poor things are probably scared of you," Ballora retorted.

"Good," Baby mused, nodding.

"What's gonna happen at school?" Ennard wondered aloud.

"What do you mean?" Foxy asked.

"If the rest of the students see me hanging out with you guys, they'll think I've gone soft," Ennard explained.

"Why is that a bad thing?" Ballora inquired.

"They'll think I'm weak," Ennard continued.

"Being soft doesn't equate to weakness," Ballora giggled.

"But, they won't fear me anymore," Ennard mumbled.

"Why would you want them to fear you?" Ballora widened her eyes at him.

"They can still be afraid of you. You're over seven feet tall; you're pretty intimidating," Foxy chuckled.

"I guess." Ennard smiled.

"Alright, Freddy, go get Ennard's suitcase and take it out to the car," Baby ordered.

"Yes, ma'am," Freddy gushed and ran over to the luggage.

"We can head over to Ballora's and get the rest of her stuff, and then we can go back to our place," Baby announced.

Ennard X Ballora (November Rains)Where stories live. Discover now