Chapter 5 (Favourite)

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Ennard tried to ignore the glare he got from Baby, who was peeking over the back of the couch. He quickly swallowed his discomfort and walked into the kitchen. There were all sorts of foods on the counters, many of which looked delicious. Ennard attempted to grab a piece of toasted ravioli.

"Hey, wait until the- Oh! Hiya, Ennard!" Funtime Freddy exclaimed in his usual loud and chipper voice.

Ennard looked over at Freddy, who gave him a goofy smile. Ennard frowned, trying to keep himself from smiling back. Funtime Freddy was always Ennard's favourite, despite Freddy being somewhat annoying. He was always able to see the good in everything, which was why Ennard couldn't help but like him.

". . . Hello," Ennard grumbled, looking back to make sure nobody was listening to them.

"Did you hear who was playing? Ea-"

"Eagles and Patriots. Yeah, I know," Ennard finished for him, and Freddy's eyes lit up, being able to get something out of him.

"Who are you rooting for?" Freddy asked.

"Um, Eagles, duh," Ennard scoffed, and Freddy chuckled. "Who's rooting for the Patriots?"

"I think Baby is, but she's only being spiteful," Freddy replied, opening the oven to check on the hot wings.

"Who made her mad?" Ennard snickered.

"Nobody, this time. She heard that Foxy was rooting for the Eagles, so she decided to go against him to get on his nerves," Freddy said.

"Typical. How'd Foxy react?" Ennard sneered.

"Hah, he started ranting to her. He went on for almost an hour, and Baby was enjoying every second of it," Freddy tittered.

"I would've loved to see that," Ennard chuckled.

Ballora's smile widened as the two of them laughed. She had been listening to them the whole time, from around the corner. She knew Ennard wasn't as mean as the rest thought.

"What are you doing?" Foxy wondered, walking up beside Ballora.

"Oh, nothing. I was just about to go in the kitchen to check on the food," Ballora replied.

"Yeah, make sure Freddy didn't eat anything," Foxy sai and jumped over the back of the couch to lie down.

"Ow! Foxy, you jumped on me, you dingus!" Baby yelped from underneath him.

"Well, you're sitting on my couch," Foxy sassed.

"Your couch?" Baby barked.

Ballora quickly stepped into the kitchen, not wanting to hear them argue any more. Ennard turned around to see Ballora and quickly grabbed a toasted ravioli, tossing it in his mouth.

"Ennard, you're supposed to wait," Freddy objected.

"Whatever," Ennard scoffed as he turned around.

"Hello, Ennard," Ballora said, somewhat smugly.

"Hi. If you tell anyone about me coming over, I will kill you. It goes for the rest, too. You tell them that," Ennard whispered menacingly, leaning over to get into her face.

"Okay," Ballora chuckled, and Ennard's eyes widened.

He quickly leaned away from her, clearing his throat. The corners of Ballora's mouth turned up, and Ennard furrowed his eyebrows. He walked out of the kitchen, to hear Baby and Foxy arguing.

"I'm the boss, here! I say who's couch this is, and I say it's everyone's," Baby bellowed.

"We're all friends here, there is no 'boss.' And nobody else ever sits here," Foxy argued.

"That's because you're always taking up the whole space, fatass," Baby snapped.

"No, I'm-"

Foxy looked over, noticing Ennard. Ennard had a smirk on his face, and Foxy squinted at him. Baby looked up, seeing who Foxy was squinting at, and she frowned.

"What's ginger-snap and the bum doing?" Ennard jeered.

"What are you doing here?" Foxy grumbled.

"I heard you two fighting from the kitchen, and I-"

"No, what are you doing here?" Foxy growled.

"I was invited-"

Ballora walked into the living room with a kind smile on her face. It faded when she saw Foxy glaring at Ennard.

"You don't belong here, Ennard. You're only here because Ballora felt bad for you," Foxy jeered, and Ennard furrowed his eyebrows.

"I- . . . Ugh, I'm out of here," Ennard scoffed.

"What? Foxy, why would you say that?" Ballora hissed, and Foxy's eyes widened at her malicious tone.

"It's true," Foxy's voice cracked.

"Well- That doesn't mean- . . . We'll talk about this later," Ballora scolded him.

She quickly walked towards the front door, where Ennard had already left through. She stepped outside and looked around, not being able to see Ennard anywhere. She sighed and looked back to glare at Foxy, who shrunk in his seat. She walked back inside and closed the door behind her.

"What was that?" Ballora snapped.

"He called me and Baby, a bum and a ginger-snap," Foxy tried to defend himself.

"So you told him he didn't 'belong here'? I thought you had left Ennard because he was picking on people? You're not any better," Ballora admonished him, and Foxy moved his eyes from her, feeling slightly guilty.

Ennard finally slowed down, coming to his apartment. He quickly walked inside, trying to steady his rasping breathing. He sighed as he fell back in his chair. Ennard thought that any chance of convincing Foxy to give him another chance, was gone.

Ennard looked over at the envelope, that Ballora had sent him, and slid it in front of him. He took out the letter and reread it. The letters were carefully written along the lines, the words almost seeming to wind together. It reminded Ennard of Ballora herself, elegant and captivating.

Ennard widened his eyes, realizing the fluttering feeling in his chest when he thought of Ballora. He scoffed in disgust, mostly because of himself. Ballora only felt pity for him, and Ennard wasn't going to drop to his knees in a fit of sobs because someone "finally" felt some sympathy for him. He wasn't going to let himself be weak.

Ennard X Ballora (November Rains)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora