Chapter 1:Virgin In A Brothel

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Hello-Last Virgin This is a book which hold lie betrayal and romance.
The story would begin with confusion but remember before you create your self a enemy you have a past with them.
And so does in this book 'The Last Virgin There'

"Irony" not sure if that is even a name.But hello this is called creativity.
Okay to make this clear her name is Isabelle Rose but that sound so naive so her name not be said much and irony will be used most of the time.

POV Irony Rose

Grasping my coat closer to me as the wind hits my almost naked flesh.  The coat is big enough to hide the fact that underneath it I'm barely wearing any clothes.  I'm already feeling the beginnings of hypothermia. My feet are frozen under the high black stiletto boots I've been forced to wear.

My exposed legs are shaking as I swiftly walk down the streets.  I don't need to check my arms to know that they are full of goosebumps. My spine is so tensed with amount shivers I've had, I'm surprised I haven't turned into an ice sculpture.  I continue to walk slowly down the sloppy road. 

Where did that woman say the place is again? I ask myself as I check the street name.  Ah just a few blocks left. It's midnight and the streets are so quiet, eerily quiet.  Only the sound of my boots crunching against the granite ground can be heard. I can faintly hear the sound of barking dogs as I get closer to the buildings and this results in another shiver running through my body. I clutch myself tighter.  My heart rate speeds up as I get closer to the corner of the building. 

She was right, I think.  Just around the corner there are few women in lingerie, bras, corsets and miniskirts standing and waiting.  So swallowing what pride I have left, I move closer to them wishing and praying that I am discreet.  I stand to the far end, putting a distance from them. As the wind blows, my nose is met with the penetrating smell coming near the dumpster where we are standing next to. The stench is mixed with the smell of smoke and a faint tint of cheap perfume.  I wrinkle my noise in disgust but I tell myself to get used to it for I will be coming to this place often.  So clutching myself closer, I look to the women next to me.  Trashy is an understatement.  How can they not be cold with what they were wearing? My brain wonders.  The woman closer to me has a cigarette on her mouth while she clutches her make-up compact in which she drabs herself with lipstick. I hear her curse as she accidently drop her cigarette from her mouth. 

"Your new here or is it just a one night thing?"Questioned the women,her lips were smudged by the red runny lip stick she wore.I didn't understand how anyone could find pleasure with doing this as their career to earn money,where as I had no pain or tension except the embarrassment of being a virgin.
"Where is the reception?"I questioned ignoring her,the women did not care at how I had just shrugged of her question but nodded walking away as I followed and into a building a few blocks away.

"Sarah.This is-"The women stopped snapping her head towards me realizing she had not asked my name,and from the look of it I could just tell she was about to ask my name.
"Makenzie Shelley."I answered before she could,the receptionist who had jet black shoulder neck hair,her eyes mysterious brown with pale like snow skin.She had turned her back to me before handing me the keys and not uttering a single word.

'69' I narrowed my eyes as I wondered where to go,the blonde head women seemed to have read my mind because she points towards the door where a gold board is attached to it which had written numbers of it which began with '59-89' It seemed like a rather huge brothel to what I had in my head,I closed my eyes remembering the women's word "The brothel has a rule to have a policy to hide identity."Which meant I could sue the person if they told everyone what had happened at the brothel.

Climbing up the levels of stairs which were not hard as I had trained harder than this.I reaching the level I wanted and walked down the narrowed hallways before I stopped in front of which door which had my number written on it.The lights were closed but the figure in the far end told me I was not alone.He was the man who would take my virginity.

The clicking of the door caught his attention as he turned letting his ice stare pierce into my skin.I walked towards him,letting the coat drop to the ground as I was left in a lingerie."Hurry I see."he whispered as he made his way in front of me,his fingers wrap around my neck bringing me closer as I close my eyes grubbing his shirt.
"Shall we open the lights?"I asked Eager to see the man who would be ravishing the cherry that held me behind from becoming a women.

With in a second the light flashed open blinding me,but the man in front of me took my breath away,for worse.
"Don't touch me."I yelled as I suddenly felt anger boil inside of me.

"It's ironic how your telling me to leave you,yet your the one tearing my buttons."He spoke,his eye brows arched in amusement.My eyes drifted down and he was right my fingers were laced around his ripped buttons of his shirt.

"W-Well your not W-Who I assumed would be here?"I questioned stuttering,it made me look venerable and weak and to put a cherry on top of that I was embarrassed.Out of everyone it had to be him.What was he back?

"Your in a brothel,Love."He spoke bluntly as if I had not realized that.

"I-I"I could not form a sentence from the heated gaze which pierced through my body.

"Your a virgin!"

The Last VIRGIN There (Mafia Book)  #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now