Chapter 4:Grand Ball Pt 2

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POV Irony Rose

I sat back leaning against the couch,I watched as couple,moving swiftly according to the music swaying their hips.The song 'You are the reason' played by Calum Scott,I could feel the hair raise up on my arms at this song.I did not know if Xavier played this song to taunt me or was it just a random choice of music,but what ever the reason was I felt the forgotten wound in my heart reopening which I had stitched hiding away.I had sat here for hours,there was still time till the handing over the title.The Ceremony.

"Excuse me."I Whispered to the table as I stood up but before I could go Damon called out for me,I turned around narrowing my eyes.
"You have what I gave you?"He asked I instantly realised what he was talking away I smiled nodding my head,
"I have it."I whispered as I walked away to have some fresh air.I narrowed my eyes confused to which way lead to the exit,I followed my instinct walking down the long dark hallway which held no electricity except the moon light which was illuminating from the window.

I felt my back suddenly being pushed to the wall,I gasped as I felt the sparks rushing through my body,I stared at him as he leaned in front of me placing both his hands near me caving me.
"What stupid game is this,let me go."I hissed out in anger,I began pushing him but he did not budge.
"Shh."He whispered as I automatically became silence.It was just our gaze which seemed to be talking to each other,I began to shift unable to stay near him anymore.I could not satisfy him knowing he still had this effect on me.

"Remember this song."He whispered,he leaned forward his lips were near my ears as his cheeks brushed against me.I bit my lips,sealing it together.I did not want to give him the satisfaction even though I could already hear my heart beating rapidly.
"No."I breathed out,I turned my head to the other direction from him,I looked down the empty hallway.The darkness did not allow my vision to see any further.
"Lie."Was all he said as he pulled away,he held my palm pulling me towards him.
"What are-"My words were cut short,when he placed his index finger on my lips silencing me before sliding his hand around my waist.

"Dance."It was not a request but an order to dance,my glare hardened.I stepped back but his grip prevented it.The song played,you could hear it clear and loud as I sighed and placed my palm on his shoulders moving along his steps.No words were spoken,as we left in the moment where we were invite into a world we're everything was perfect.But it was not.
The rude words echoed into my ears,"Spoilt Brat" "No one can ever love you".
I pushed him away and stumbled back myself,I clenched my fist in a ball.
"STAY AWAY FROM ME!"I growled turning away,but his grip on my arms pulled my back as my back pressed against his firm and muscular chest.

"Stop denying the attraction,I feel and I now for a fact you feel it too."I said nothing,I did not want him leading me on and only break me and tear me apart in the end.
"You should have not come back."I whispered,pulling my hands out of his grip and walked away back into the ball,as the song now changed and young teenagers and single men and women went to the dance floor to move along with the beat.
"Took you long enough."My Brother whispered as I smiled and shook my head.
"Lost track of time."I whispered.My eyes shifted to the entrance where Xavier walked through,he walked as if nothing had happened.

"Ladies and gentlemen,lets begin the ceremony of the carnation,today is a big day where all sons have become the right age to have their status and title handed to them."Carlos spoke,his eyes were settled on the audience.His words held power and everyone clapped as he finished his sentence.
"Good luck."I whispered towards my brother,I smiled as Damon who departed towards the stage along with father.My eyes went to the man beside Damon,he held a stern face and he too stared back at me.I shifted under his gaze.
I watched as they began to take their oath,a wooden bowl was brought as father slit Damon's wrist letting a few drops of blood drop into the bowl before father grabbed the matchstick and set the bowl on fire.

"CONGRATULATION's."Filled the room,I smiled approaching the stage,it was like passing a traffic,it was turning impossible to reach towards my brother,I stiffed as I felt arms wrapped around my waist pulling me to him.
"It's just the beginning."He whispered and within a second his hands had disappeared and he too had gone,I shook my head and approached my brother wrapping my arms around him but Xavier's word kept repeating.What was just a beginning?

"Irony. father has something to say."Damon whispered,he held no smile telling me what ever father had needed to say it was not pleasant.
I turned around to face father who rubbed his fingers nervously.
"I have received a proposal for your hand,It's from the Moretti family."My eyes went to behind father and I was received with a glare from Xavier he had heard what father had said.
I smirked evily and as if realising what i was thinking he shook his head in a no.
"I agree to the proposal to the marriage."I spoke my eyes not once tearing from the devil behind,I watched as he clenched his fist before storming away angrily.I watched a bright smile plaster on my father's face.
"But I want to meet him first."I spoke once I knew Xavier was out of reach to hear our conversation.


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