Chapter 3

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Dick pov
I sat at the computer searching any leads on where Ivy or Harley was. Because where ever they were, Maria was.

Maria pov
I laid in the tattooist's chair as he tattooed my chest. I was getting Nightwing's logo tattooed to my chest. It was a reminder of the man I had tricked.

When the artist finished I left and went to our new safe house. We were now taking shelter in Ivy City.

I went into the cave and Harley, Joker, Ivy, and Mangrove were all waiting.

"Where have you been?" Mangrove demanded as he grabbed my arm.

I pulled away and punched him in the jaw. "Don't touch me." I hissed.

"Now Nightingale, you know where the BatCave is, right?" Joker asked.

"I do, but no doubt The Bat and his sidekicks are there. If we want in, we need bait." I said looking at Ivy and Mangrove.


Joker, Harley and I hid in the bushes next to where a cave entrence. I knew it was the closet one to where Ivy and Mangrove were.

The door opened and the BatMobile zoomed by. We ran in and the doors closed behind us. I hacked the computer and turned off the security and then disconnected Batman and all his sidekicks from the cave.

"It's done." I whispered.

Joker and Harley smiled.

We walked to where the cave opened up to a huge room. An old man sat in a chair at a computer with a baby. Joker snuck up behind him and knocked him out.

"Harley take the kid." Joker demanded.

Harley took the baby. I wanted to hold him, but I didn't.

"Now what?" I asked.

"You surrender." We spun and saw Red Hood his guns aimed at us.

I grabbed an arrow and fired it at him, it skimmed his leg. I took another arrow and fired again. This time aiming for a break in the Kevlar. I let go and the arrow hit him right above the hip. He yelled and fell to the ground.

"Take care of him, Nightingale." Joker said as he handed me a crowbar.

"With pleasure." I smiled.

Red Hood tried to get up, but I took an arrow and drove it into the grounds through his calf. He yelled in pain. I took the crowbar and was going to hit him when I saw the girl with white hair again.

"Mommy?" She sobbed.

"Jamie go back to you're room." Red Hood yelled through the pain.

"Mommy." She whimpered.

I grabbed another arrow and drove it through Red Hood's shoulder. He yelled in pain and the girl cried. I knelt down in front of him and took his hood off. Damn bastard had a mask on under it.

"Now you are going to answer my questions or I'll use the crowbar next time." I said as I held him by the neck.

"Who is she?" I pointed to the girl.

"Your daughter." Red Hood smiled. I punched him in the mouth with my fist.

"Don't play games with me." I growled.

"I'm not, she's your daughter, and Harley has your son." I punched him again.

"I have no children." I yelled.

I grabbed the crowbar and hit him in the face with it.

"Mommy stop!" The little girl yelled.

"Don't call me that!" I yelled in anger at her.

Batman and his sidekicks returned.

"Maria!" Nightwing yelled.

"It's Nightingale!" I yelled frustrated by all these Bats.

I took a grappling hook and threw it, I swung down in front of him.

"I've got Harley!" Robin yelled.

I threw the first punch at Nightwing and he dodged. He dodged all my punches and Kicked. I yelled a spell and froze him. I smiled and approached him. I took an arrow from my quiver, my last one.

"Maria stop this, this isn't you." He said.

"I'm not Maria,"

"please Maria," he begged.

"Is Nightwing begging?" I coaxed as I stroked his cheek.

"Please Sweetie, I love you." He said.

I took him by the jaw and turned his head as if I was going to kiss him. "I don't love you." I whispered before I plunged the arrow into his stomach.

The spell wore off and He collapsed and I ran out the cave leaving Harley and Joker.

I took my motorcycle all the way back to Ivy city. The rest of my team soon returned. 

Dick pov
Bruce helped me to the table and cut part of my suit to reveal the arrow. He removed it as Alfred worked on Jason.

"She beat me with a crowbar." Jason laughed.

"Why?" I asked.

"Joker told her to." Jason said.

Damien carried a frightened Jamie over to me.

"Hey sweetie are you okay?" I asked as she hugged me.

"Mommy hurt Uncle Jay." She said.

"Mommy's not herself. Bad people messed with her head. She thinks she's a bad guy." I said as Bruce finished up my stitches.

"There you go." Bruce said.

"Dick next time you go up against her, don't hold back. She needs to be brought down." Bruce said. I nodded.

A/n: tell me what you think of this darker Maria.

Nightingale (Nightwing x OC) #2Where stories live. Discover now